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Though P Jeff was busy with work and all, he still made an effort to reply to my texts, and so we kept in contact over the month he was away.

Work for me was busy, too, and I had new offers coming in for dramas along with shoots with commercial brands. In such a shoot, I met Nene. She was a really nice girl who was newly talent scouted and the latest addition to the team.

We really hit off and became close friends over our time spent together filming. When P Jeff came back, I offered to go pick him up despite his reservations, and Nene offered to tag along so she could finally see him as she was a huge fan!

When she finally saw him, she was so starstruck that she fell silent and didn't say a single word, which was so unlike her. Jeff was so tickled by her, and contrary to his face, he was actually outgoing and fun, so he broke the ice and made her feel very comfortable, and soon she opened up too.

I just drove back quietly, watching the two of them banter. Once we dropped P Jeff off, I offered to drop Nene off, too. She was quiet on the way back.

"Everything ok? Why are you so quiet?"

"No, I was just thinking about P Jeff. He's so cute, na?"

I hummed in response. And then what she asked next, I nearly stopped the car in shock!

"Do you think P Jeff is seeing anyone? I wonder if he will be open to dating me?"

I nearly stopped the car and Nene yelled at me to keep going as we were in the middle of the road. I apologised and drove off.

"You never answered me Ta."

"I..I'm not sure. Maybe you should ask him."

"Can you ask him for me naaaaaaa?"

She pouted and smiled at me. I nodded my head reluctantly agreeing to check for her. I knew Jeff was not straight though it wasn't my tale to tell. However, he's gay so it means Nene is of no competition and I knew I didn't have to worry.

Wait, worry? Worry about what? It was not as if P Jeff and I were dating. What the fuck was going on with me? I sighed softly as I dropped Nene off and told her to rest.

Once I got home, P Jeff happened to call me.

"Hey, are you home?"

"I just got home P. After dropping Nene off."

"That's good. Thank you for coming by earlier. It was really good to see you."

"No problem. Erm P..I wanted to ask..are you seeing anyone?"

"Ah..why? Not really actually."

"Ah okays. Nene was asking.. she's a huge fan. She..I think she has taken a liking to you. Wanted to know if you are seeing anyone.."

"Ah. I..am not. But you know. I'm also not straight.."

"I know but I can't tell her that. I don't think it's on me. So yea.."

"No problem. Thanks for telling me Ta. If she comes back to me on this, I let her know."

"Yes. I think you should. Don't want her thinking she has a chance."

"Haahahh she doesn't. She's really a nice girl but I don't even swing that way so obviously I wouldn't even look at her that way."

I fell silent listening to him. Jeff must have sensed something was off and he asked me.

"Is everything ok? Why do you seem so displaced?"

"Huh..no.. everything is fine P."

"You sure? Because something doesn't seem right. You do know I don't care for girls right?"

"I know. But you are a very nice man. I'm sure people will fall in love with you easily."

"Is that why I have been single for the last few years?"

"P! You know what I mean.."

"But I must like them too right?"

I fell silent on the phone.

"Think let's wrap up for tonight, shall we? I gotta to prep for tomorrow. Maybe let's do dinner one of these days? Bring Nene too? I make it clear to her."

I agreed and hung up. But then barely a few seconds later; a message pinged on my phone. I looked down to realize it was from Jeff.

"I don't like her. At all. Not in the same way I like you. I hope that clears up."

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