At This Moment You Mean Everything

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At This Moment You Mean Everything
1ziam8 on ao3


After removing his briefs under Zayn's predatory gaze and carefully stepping into the tub, Liam relaxes back in his boyfriend's arms and this moment feels more like coming home than when he arrived back in England or walked through their front door. Nothing can compare to the feeling of Zayn wrapped around him.

(Or, Liam comes home to Zayn after the first part of tour)


Work Text:

The very first thing Liam does when they get off the stage in Dubai is call for a cab to bring Andy, Paddy and himself to the airport. His bags are already packed and once they're in the car he shoots a text to the other boys with apologies for leaving so quickly - he knows they already understand but it makes him feel better nonetheless. Going home has been at the forefront of his mind ever since that awful day - the day they don't like to talk about - a few weeks ago. It's been hard on him, on all of them really to keep clear minds and focus on giving their all in shows; luckily the fans always seem to go above and beyond for them and for that they are forever grateful.

They're on their plane and Liam is beyond exhausted but all he can think about is seeing his boy and his leg is shaking, palms already sweating and they have hours to go but Liam can't help it. He watches his best mate try and chat up their flight attendant and when that fails - miserably, he might add - Andy politely asks for salted peanuts and a throw blanket. Paddy is already out like a light, he can fall asleep anywhere almost instantly - like Zayn, Liam thinks. And again the thought of Zayn and seeing him soon and getting to spend time with him for two whole months makes Liam's heart skip a beat. He decides to rest his eyes in hopes that he'll fall asleep and be back in London by the time he wakes up.


After several hours, a few pictures and autographs for fans at the airport and a long drive to Surrey, Liam is finally home. Given the fact that it's so late, he's by all means not expecting his boyfriend - who is almost as in love with sleep as he is with Liam - to still be awake, but when he walks through the door he is proven wrong.

While the lights are off and give the impression that no one is home, the countless rose petals and tea light candles scattered everywhere say otherwise. Liam takes it all in with a grin on his tired face and an accelerated thump in his chest.

The petals lead Liam to the kitchen counter, where he finds a yellow sticky note.

Welcome home, my love. I've made you a spag bol, it's sitting on the stove (don't worry the stove is off) and ready to eat whenever you'd like. Can't wait to see your handsome face xx

He smiles to himself, grabbing a fork out of the drawer and taking a bite of dinner, just as delicious as always. Liam continues following the petals to the hall closet where he deposits his coat and shoes, finding a note on the door that reads:

Head to the bedroom ;)

Liam's smiling even wider as he takes the stairs two at a time and bursts into their suite to Zayn. There's a glass of red wine on the bedside table along with another sticky note.

Thought you'd find me here? Not yet! Have a glass of your favorite wine and when you're ready, come into the bathroom.

He doesn't need to be told twice. Picking up the glass Liam quietly makes his way to the bathroom door, heart rate picking up yet again. He takes a swig of sweet red wine for liquid courage - you need it when your boyfriend looks like Adonis - and opens the door.

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