Bend it over for me

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Bend it over for Me
larryisloveokay on archiveofourown


Liam goes to a yoga class and sees Zayn there and he can't keep his eyes off of his arse because of Zayn's yoga pants, and after class when everyone leaves...well....they fuck

Work Text:

"I can't believe you brought me here," Liam hissed as he flung his yoga mat down to the floor. "Oh come on it will be fun," Louis insists as he places his down beside the younger boy. "Explain to me how yoga is fun? You do nothing! You close your eyes and move around slowly like a fucking hippie who's smoked an ounce of pot." Louis laughed as he bent down to take his seat on the mat. "It's relaxing." Liam huffed before bending down only to be stopped by Louis raising his finger at him. "Take your shoes off." Liam rolled his eyes and took off his shoes, throwing them against the wall before plopping down on his mat. Other people around the room gave him an evil glare which he chose to ignore.

Louis stretched his arms up in the air as he closed his eyes and inhaled slowly. "Could you at least pretend to enjoy it? It's a 50 minute session." Liam looked over at Louis and mimicked his actions. "Yeah alright. 50 minutes. I can do that. Where the hell is the instructor?"

Just as Louis was about to answer, a booming voice came through the door. "Good afternoon class! Lovely too see you all again," Zayn cheered as he walked to the front with his mat tucked under his arm. Liam stared lustfully at the man making his way to the front of the room. "Who the fuck is that," Liam whispered toward Louis. The older boy smirked as he continued to look forward. "That's Zayn, our instructor." Liam looked on as Zayn placed his mat on the floor. The dark-haired boy stepped on top of his mat before scanning his eyes across the room. His eyes stopped on Liam before he spoke. "I see we have some new faces in the class today. Welcome." Liam licked his lips. Oh he might very well enjoy yoga.


Liam could not keep his eyes off the instructor. And those yoga pants. Fuck this boy was going to be the death of him.

"Lift up... Breathe... Exhale.... Bend over," Zayn said as he bent over with the rest of the class. Liam let out a low growl as he watched the boy bring his hands down to his feet. The way the yoga pants fit around his thighs. The way his arse curved perfectly. God Liam just wanted to take those pants off and lick up that perfect a-

"Hold it for five more seconds... and three, two, up....lift, bring your hands in the air.... breathe in.... Exhale.... let your arms come down.... good. Take a sip of water and find a partner." Louis bent over to grab his water bottle and took a sip before looking over at Liam who was still staring. "Liam do you blink?" Liam shook his head out of concentration and looked over at Louis before taking the water bottle out of his hands and taking a swig. "Have you SEEN your instructor? Fucking hell he's beautiful." Louis shrugs. "Eh he's alright. I've seen better." Liam looked at him wide eyed. "Your fucking mad. What I would do to wrap my lips around hi-" Louis snatched his water bottle from Liam's hands as he spoke. "ALRIGHT I'd much rather not hear what you'd do." He placed his water bottle back down and waited for Zayn to give the next instruction.

"Okay so I want you to grab your partner," Zayn said as he walked around the room, "This is going to be our last exercise for the day. You're just stretching them out okay. Yoga can be a team thing as well as solo. One of you needs to face your back against your partner and place your arms across your chest. The partner behind, needs to grab the other one's hands and pull gently. This is going to stretch out your shoulder and back muscles."

Louis faced his back toward Liam and crossed his arms over his chest as he closed his eyes. Liam kept a small distance between them and grabbed Louis' hands pulling gently.

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