dreams of fulfillment

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dreams of fulfillment
auntie spice (october) on ao3


Zayn is straight. Liam is not. Sex ensues.

Work Text:

The first thought Zayn has when he walks in on Liam riding that long, eight inch dildo is No way. The second thought, when he sees Liam jerking his own impressive length, is Holy shit. Then, when Liam begins to come, his head thrown back as his jaw falls slack, a content and drawn out moan spilling from his lips, Zayn thinks, Fuck.

And that's when Liam notices him, catching his gaze, a dazed, blissful look upon his face that can only be worn post-cotial.

"Fuck," Zayn stutters out, voice tight and strangled. He shakes his head, his cheeks as red as Liam's obnoxiously long dick, and backs away quickly. He trips over something, a shoe or textbook, probably, but he's already embarrassed enough by catching Liam in the act that it hardly even registers. He rights himself and quickly scurries into his own room, all too aware of the fact that Liam's gaze follows him until he shuts the door to his bedroom.

"Fuck," Zayn repeats, one hand rubbing tiredly at his face while the other cards through his hair, stressed. He had no idea that Liam was like that.

His heart is racing as he remains pressed up against the door, trying to calm down. Through the door he can hear Liam shuffling around, then the sound of running water coming from the bathroom sink, obviously trying to clean himself.

Zayn laughs to himself, strained and a bit manic, as he pushes himself from against the door, only to collapse onto his bed and shout into his pillow.


"Are we gonna talk about it?" Liam asks Zayn. Zayn freezes for just a second, eyes sliding shut as his face contorts in a wince. He's been avoiding Liam as best as he can the past few days because, no, he does not want to talk about it. He opens his eyes to find that Liam is still staring at him from where he's sat at the counter, eating dry cereal right out of the box. Zayn manages a tight smile as he shrugs his coat off.

"Talk about what?" Zayn answers, deciding to play dumb. He really doesn't want to talk about it; talking about it will only mean he has to relive the moment again, and he's already not been able to get the sight out of his head as it is. Talking about it most definitely will not help. If anything, it will only encourage his mind into thinking of more possibilities and scenarios of what else Liam likes to do and get off to.

Liam sighs, putting the cereal aside. "The other day, Zayn. When you walked in on me."

"I didn't walk in on you," Zayn glares defensively, because he didn't, this is most certainly not his fault whatsoever. "I came home. Your door was wide open."

Liam has the cheek to grin at that, though his cheeks are tinted with embarrassment. "Well, okay. That was my fault. I'm sorry; I'll make sure to close it next time."

Zayn winces again, groaning internally. There it is: next time. Meaning it wasn't just a onetime thing. Meaning Liam is...

"Yes, Zayn, I'm gay," Liam says sardonically, as if reading Zayn's thoughts. Zayn manages to look at him again, and he's a bit surprised at how exasperated Liam looks, like he's trying to reign in on his anger. "Is that what this is all about? Is that why you've been avoiding me the past few days? Does the idea of me being gay really disgust you so much that you can barely even look at me anymore?"

Zayn's eyes are wide in disbelief in horror because he never meant to make Liam feel that way. "No, Liam, I --." Zayn doesn't even know what to say, so shook in surprise as he is. An apology seems too little for giving Liam the sense that Zayn is homophobic. His stunned silence doesn't help the matter, though, because then Liam just scoffs angrily and hurt before he's the one looking at Zayn in disgust as he stomps away, slamming his bedroom door shut.

ziam smutजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें