The misunderstanding..

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"So...... The thing is........ " Her mother said as she let out a little sigh and continued, " I am pregnant. "

"...... " There was an awkward silence in the room and no one said a thing when her brother broke it saying, " You are..... What?!! " As he stood up from his place looking at his mother in a shocked manner.

" Sit down dear, I know this is a lot to take in, especially after you both have grown up, but, it just happened and we can't do anything about it. " Her mother said to him as he placed himself back on the sofa.

" Mother.... How much time has it been in your pregnancy? " Julia asked her mother casually.

"Oh... Like 5 weeks.. " Her mother replied.

"So, there's only 8 months left huh? " She said to herself as she leaned back on the sofa.

"Hmm... " Her mother said as she stood up and continued, " I'll be in our room with your father, I need some rest. " As she went directly towards her room and placed herself on her bed to sleep for a while.

"I guess I'm going to deal with another annoying sibling now. " Julia said as she also stood up and went to her room.

"What am I supposed to do here then? I'm leaving as well! " Her brother said to himself as he also left.

The next morning at school.....

" I have to get to class as soon as possible, otherwise, I will get another detention. " She said to herself as she rushed towards her classroom.

"Huh? No one is here yet? " She said to herself looking at the empty classroom with barely 5-6 students there.

She dropped off her bag on her seat and walked out of the classroom thinking that she came way too early instead of being late.

As she was walking down the hallway with absolutely no thoughts in head, she suddenly bumped into a girl.

"I'm so sorry! " Julia said to her and then looked at her in the eyes.

"It's ok. I wasn't paying attention anyway... Are you new here? What's your name? " The other girl asked.

"Uh... Yeah... I'm new here, I just joined yesterday.. My name is Julia. "

"Wonderful, I'm new here as well! Katy. " The other girl said as she moved her hand forward to her.

"Ah. Right. " Julia said as she took her hand.

Then katy said, " Come, let me introduce you to my other friends.

"Alright! " She said as they both headed over to the other side of the building and, it looked pretty bad and dark out there....

"Are you..... Sure that your friends are here? " Julia asked katy with some hesitation.

"Of course I would know. They're my friends! Not some monsters. " Katy replied.

"Wha- you got me wrong! I mean it's pretty dark and creepy out here. " She said.

"Oh no no. This is the perfect place. " Katy said to her.

"The.... Perfect place? For- for what exactly? " Julia aske dher.

"For your murder..... " Katu said as she looked at Julia with her eyes filled with agony.

"What?! " Julia screamed as she tried to free her hands from katy's but no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't get out of her grasp because it was too tight.

"AAHHH!! AAHHH!!! SOMEBODY HELP ME! THIS GIRL IS PSYCHO! " Julia kept screaming but it didn't look like anyone was coming to help her today.

Katy took out a knife hidden in her clothes and was just about to stab Julia as she looked at her and said, " Julia huh? You think changing your name would do everything? STEPHANIE. "

" NNNOOOOOO!!!! " Julia screamed when simultaneously, the attack stopped and Katy left Julia's hand and started making some weird noises, " Agh! Ah.. Aggghhh!! " Which made it sound like someone was choking her, but no one was there.......

"What....... " Julia said as she opened her eyes to look at what happened to Katy and why she suddenly started behaving like this.

" K... K... Katy?.... What.... " Julia said as looked at her soaring up high in the sky holding her neck in immerse pain.

" OH MY GOD. OH MY GOD!!!! AAAAHHHHH!!!! " Julia screamed as she ran away from there while Katy was still struggling to get out of there.

This time, Julia did not stop at her college but instantly ran away to her home because of the horrifying stuff and incident that just happened.

Of course, no one would like to stay at school this way if it was about to turn into hogwarts. The bad one tho. It really looked tragic.

'Will she survive or not? ' 'What was that? ' 'I shouldn't have left her like that... ' 'Why did I do this?! ' 'Why did this have to happen?! ' were the thoughts that were filling in her head as she walked towards her house with a horror and scared look on her face.

"M.. Mom? I'm home.... " She said as she went in and stepped directly towards her room with no one getting in her way or stopping her.

"Mom?.... Where are you?..... " She asked in a shaky voice.

"Oh... Sweetie, you're home early! " Her mother said coming out of the room on the other side.

"Oh, uh, yeah... I um- kind of had some problems... " She told her mother as she suddenly stopped and stared at her mother's face then she continued, " Mom?.... Where are your earrings?... " She asked her mother doubtfully.

"Huh? What earrings are you talking about sweetie? I don't have any... " Her mother replied to her.

"What? But I thought.... " She said as her eyes grew bigger and she started trembling and spoke being scared, " You- you- you're not- you're not my mom- wh- who are you? " She said pointing towards her 'mother'.

" Sweetie? What are you saying? Is this the matter of earrings? I'll go get some if you want to? " Her 'mother' said to her.

"NO! NO NO! STAY AWAY! stay where you are.... Don't come ANY closer ok? " She said stopping her 'mother' who was about to touch her.

"What's wrong sweetie? Why are you acting like this? " Her 'mother' asked her 'daughter'.

What is happening?

Who is Katy?

Is she is not her mother, then who is it?

Who is she?.....

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