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They all looked at me in surprise since they didn't realize when I entered even mrs Peters who had just joined in looked surprised at my words.
You are welcome Mrs Peters. Please have a sit and feel at home, I said
Wait, what have you said Miss? Peters asked
Which part uncle? I asked back
About the enterprise miss Olivia, he answered
What I said is the truth uncle, the enterprise is yours that money I told you to deposit for me on those accounts was for the people I love most and care about , the second account was for charity and the last one was for the lawyer I guess you remember him, and the other account and the last one was for Juliet because I knew she had no one apart from me and you. And the rest of the money is in the company account.

So uncle I guess you stopped depositing the money on the accounts I told you to stop but if you didn't am not returning that money because it's not in powers to return it.
He only smiled and the rest just looked at me in surprise including the twins and Mrs Peters.
Am sorry miss Olivia but this is a multi millionaire enterprise we are talking about and it's too much ma'am, he said
I know that uncle but I already built my multi-billionaire enterprise of my own and I don't need that one. Take it as a token of appreciation for being royal to me and my parents especially my dad who trusted you with his life and mine to.
You have worked your ass down uncle and you need to retire peacefully when the time comes. You have been the most trusted person our family has and you will always be so please uncle just accept this but remember you have to continue depositing money for the lawyer and his family each month as it is in the contract you received first and you know what it says.

No, no miss I can't accept this. Me and my family apart from Juliet we have lived a good life my kids studied in best schools all thanks to you so I can't take away what is rightfully yours, he stated

Come on uncle that is all your hard work I only guided you and I will always be here to advise you whenever you will need my help and advise. You would have betrayed me and my family just like others did but you didn't, you protect me when no one could and upto today however much am strong now you are always there for me uncle it's high time for me to protect you to.

I have built my own legacy and I have money I even don't know how to spend so if you can't handle it anymore you and the lawyer while following my father's letter or will should transfer all the rights to Tasha and Juliet plus the lawyer's son if am not mistaken his name is Shane. Since you two have run the company since my parents' accident it's just fair to me to give this to you people.

Mr Peters cried out and he wanted to kneeled down but I refused but the rest of the family knelt down at once including his wife. But I told them that if they continue kneeling for me am leaving this place.
Guys we are family you don't have to do this. You are offending me and you know what happens when you offend me, I said with a stern face
Guys she this is not Olivia but the boss is out now so stop it, Julie said
She knows me better and she understands me perfectly well. The rest stood up but Mrs Peters remained in shaken as she said
"Am so sorry miss Olivia, please forgive me I was greedy and I did you wrong. I was wrong miss. I wronged you forgive me and my sons please." She said as she choked and sobbed as she cried her eyes out.
"I never knew your heart pretty well miss for give me, I will never do what I did again my entire life left and I will be royal, miss am sorry, she added
Tasha looked surprised and she stared at her mother not knowing what was going on but me I knew but I always want people to confess their sins than me showing them what I know and have on them.
Mum what's going on? What did you do? What are saying? What is it with you mum? Why are you apologizing and crying to Olivia like that?

"I was wrong child, I got greedy, when your father told me that he was preparing to transfer back the enterprise to Olivia I felt that all the luxuries we have will be gone so I manipulated the twins into what they did to get close to miss Olivia and to try and take advantage of her. And your father is not that sick. It's not like he is going to die tomorrow he only has a tumor and the doctor said it can be removed and he lives normally but I paid the doctor to forge the results such that the twins can see what was at stake such that they can act according to plan since they had refused especially Martin but I had to use Paul that's the reason Martin didn't know about some steps only I and Paul knew.
After finding out that Juliet was his daughter I had to put her in play and the twins used her to get close to you.

I know that, I said and everyone looked at me with a questioning eye
You knew it already? Mrs Peters asked in surprise
Yes I knew everything because I always know that's my job but I didn't know how the twins looked like I only found one photo of them when they were young and I didn't mind much about it. But for buying the doctor to falsify your husband's medical results I thought was to get Tasha back to the family I never expected that it was to get to me.

So the twins never cared about me even a little but only to use me to get close to my best friend? Julie asked as she cried
Me and Tasha we went to her and hugged her as we counselled her that everything was okay as long as we three are together nothing to worry about.

So Mr Peters you are going to have the treatment I already talked to the specialist and after that it will be on you to go back to work or not but this time not as a meer employee but as the boss.
Dr. Natasha Johnson you can now takeover the hospital as the director if you want.
And for you my dear Julie you can go and help your father at the enterprise because I know you are capable of doing this and you can bring the enterprise to the next level but am gonna miss my assistant who always nagging me. I joked.
Or may be I can take Martin in as my assistant because I believe however much are identical twins but he is totally different from Paul.

But alright I think Martin can work with you and you need him more than I do since you are going to take over the enterprise during this period as your Dad is getting treatment so you will need your brother as your right hand man.

With that I concluded the meeting
Alright guys this meeting is over and now I think I should give you space as family therefore feel comfortable to speak freely this is a sound proof area. The door is open if you are done but no one can enter you can only open it from inside but don't kill each other.
With that I picked my bottle of vodka and entered in my office.

Few minutes later I received a massage from Juliet and Tasha at the same time
Are we still friends as always? Julie asked Tasha also asked you are our friend right?

Friends forever? I asked them back. Has your family gone?
They replied at the same time
Friends forever, Tasha said
Can we go for massage because I really need it , I asked
I need it to - Julie said
Me to I need it, and this day has been my longest day in life and I wish they can give us a full package Tasha said
I laughed, a full package? Julie asked
Yeah full package, Tasha answered.

For any advice because I need it find me on or for publications contact me on;
Facebook; Marville Van
Email; ttebajjukira@gmail.com
Instagram; van_marville

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