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This is amazing Dr, I never thought that you are into that, I said amusedly
Into what? Is it bad to want sex just for fun? Tasha replied
No baby girl when you asked for full package I was just surprised, I commented
Why do you get surprised? Am always like that being a sex therapist doesn't stop your own desires from showing up. For sure what has happened today I need a full package to relax, she stated
I laughed, while Juliet looked at us and said, oh I get it now so you mean sex massage?
We laughed at her statement
And with that I called Bosco my trusted man.

Bosco, am with my sisters, and we need massage could you get us some messieurs for us.
One or three - Bosco asked
Fuck you Bosco we are three for God's same
And with that I disconnected the phone
This boss of mine is a pin in the ass but again she is the boss but I wonder if one day she will give me a chance to enjoy that pussy of hers, Bosco thought out loud.

Bosco sent me a message
Ma'am should I send the one of last time? Bosco asked
Silly you Bosco since when do I fuck a guy two times apartment from Mr Richards and for him only happens on special occasions, I replied and he laughed at him self

With that I left the office room to meet my friends but to my surprise the family was still there.
Guys, Mr Peters what are you still doing here? I thought you had already left, I stated
We wanted to thanks you miss Olivia , Mrs Peters said
No need Mrs Peters, the person you should thank is your husband for his hard work and his royalty to the Thompsons., I replied.
But guys you should go home and relax I have plans with the girls unless...
Unless what Olli, Tasha jumped in

Nothing darling, by the way Mr Peters you have an appointment with the specialist tomorrow, here is her card call him to give you time. Tell her it's from me.

This Dr, specialist in tumors and brain diseases she is my friend she was on the list of the people who were supposed to be terminated for making some one big but I saved her and gave a job so when I contacted her about Mr Peters she agreed to perform the surgery but she had to meet the patient first, this is also a secret I have which I may not tell my friends but as I see the things now I can trust these two with my life. Because I thought after todays discovery that they will leave me but they stayed this means they trust me the way I trust them, I thought this in my mind as the family was saying their good byes.

I was brought back from my thoughts by Mrs Peters.
Miss Olivia am really sorry for... please Mrs Peters stop. Just go home and enjoy your family because you are lucky, you are Mr Peters' wife I would have killed you for putting my life in danger. I always kill those who wrong me but am a woman of principles who respects her word and please just know that I forgave you I don't hold grudges. But am asking you stop meeting with the general you have been in touch with and let me hope you haven't given him my photo, I stated

She looked at me in surprise and she said he found out what I was doing and asked to help me and I declined I told him I will do it my way and he hasn't contacted me again.

Okay go home the driver is ready to take you. Just go leave us alone we want to enjoy our friendship in peace.
At this time I received a message from Bosco that the guys were here and he also sent their blood test results plus a healthy report and even drug tests.
Then guys good night, girls our package is here.
Thanks again miss, Mr Peters said and with that they left.

At this moment I handed the iPad to the girls to see the guys Bosco had got us.
Here girls the guys are here plus their health reports, drug test results and other related blood results.
Waaawo how handsome they are I can't wait to have their touch, eh wait what? Health reports, blood and drug tests ? Tasha asked and I nodded

Oh my God you are so serious Olivia,you do all these tests someone just to have your way with the guy. How much money do you spend just to have sex? Tasha asked
She is always like that Tasha she even do a background check on them , Julie said
Yes Tasha I have to be vigilant I love my life I don't want to catch some serious disease just because of pleasure and sex, and I don't want a guy to die in my arms because he has health issues so everything has to be searched well.
Okay girls let us go have ourselves change

With that I opened another door using my phone and told the to enter
But girls these guys are hot I can't wait to have them giving me a full package, Tasha said and we laughed
But sex Dr today you are horny and since when do you get horny like this? We laughed and she replied always, we laughed again
Being a sex therapist Dr doesn't stop you from being a human being. I am human ladies and I also have desires Tasha added
Waaawo this is a Tasha I never knew this side of yours, I said
I won't comment because Tasha I have known for more than ten years is different from that of today, Julie said. What did you put in her drink Olli, she joked
Nothing she opened the bottle herself, I said
People am always like this only that am always shy but today am a new Tasha

We laughed and we entered the room Julie exclaimed waaawo girl this place is so amazing I have been here for 1000 times as you never brought me at this place? Julie asked
Woman you are amazing am also going to have my office done like this since now am a super rich woman too , with the inheritance you just gave us Olli am pretty sure I can build my office like this, Tasha amused us again. We laughed again
For real Olivia this is your other side girl and you have been enjoying yourself alone in this place? Julie said

Guys you may think that for not bringing you here is like I don't trust you but for real I have trust issues because many betrayed my Dad yet he trusted them. But this day has made me to realize that I can trust you girls with everything I have.
Even though that you found out that I wasn't only your father's boss but also a killer but again you decide to stick with me this shows that we are friends forever and we can share everything because now I truly trust you and there are things you don't know about me but you will in due time.

So girls here are the beds, you can take a quick shower in there and there are lockers with some underwear I prepared for you

Oh girl you planned everything, Julie said
As I always do, I replied jokingly
I can't wait to have those handsome guys, Tasha said and we laughed

For any advice because I need it find me on or for publications contact me on;
Facebook; Marville Van
Email; ttebajjukira@gmail.com
Instagram; van_marville

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