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He just left me like that yet I wanted more my body wanted him and my womanhood wanted the taste of his penis.

What has this man done to me? I asked my self. "What have I done to bring a stranger in my house this is not me" I thought

I can't do this, this is not me, am not this woman who can fall for a man. I am a strong, business woman only who does things that satisfies me not vice versa I can't be weak especially for a man more over a stranger. Oh God I even don't know his name what a mess I am.

While I was still in my thoughts Julie called back. Once I connected the call Julie started boss where are you the guys are waiting and it's almost 10am what are you up to?

Julie am on my way and mind you am not in a hurry to sell that place if they can't wait for the boss let them go and by the way am not selling am leasing that place and with that I disconnected as always.

I drove my car to the office while wondering the woman I had just become just in one day the guy just corrupted my mind just in few hours this can't be me and for real if I tell Julie is gonna laugh at me, what have I done really? I questioned my self

At the office my best friend was already waiting for me and as soon as I opened the car door she looked at me suspiciously and asked what did you do? What happened to you? Is this really you? As you never been late your entire life oh my God don't tell me you just had sex?
She asked surprisingly, for real you did it madam Olivia, that's my friend she joked

Is it that obvious? I asked her back
Don't be so surprised Julie I always go for sex and it's part of me but this one bastard just teased me this morning he didn't fuck as he was supposed to do. He denied me his penis yet my vagina is yawning for it he just left me wet.

She was in owe as I spoke for real Julie thinks I have spent a fucking good time with out sex since I last separated with my ex but that's a lie it's something I hide from my friends but I could always have different guys every time I want to have sex and I have a partner in crime for that and is my sex club manager who finds me sex partners now and then.

Julie looked at me she had taken long to see me like this so she had to wonder. For sure I had spent a week without having sex but due to my stupid neighbors I ended up watching in the end I had sex with a stranger.
Julie asked, Olivia tell me who is the lucky guy whom you just kissed this morning who made you come to office this late?
For real my dear I don't know him but what I know my body wants him and my mind and soul wants him I wanna feel his touch so badly
What!!! She exclaimed at my answer
That is the Olivia I know and I believe she is coming back, she said

I am always here baby girl so tell me what's happening what with the meeting? I your guys still waiting or they left already because I want this to end soon I want to visit the sex club.

Olivia behave you have the whole weekend do this first. As we went to the conference room she gave me all the documents and she said "you have to tell me everything thing Olivia about the guy you had sex with I want to know the details"
Am your boss Juliet, I said jokingly
I know but you are also my best friend so you have to tell me, she replied

As we reached the conference room I stopped in my trucks because I saw a guy whom I fucked

What is it Olivia? Julie asked
What is that guy doing here Julie? I asked her back
Which one? She asked again
Julie that guy in the middle is the guy I fucked few hours ago what is he doing at my company? I asked again

She laughed and said Olivia I don't know what happened between you two but am sure you haven't met with him because I picked him at his hotel my self this morning and we were here before 8am yet you were in your apartment romancing with who God knows, she joked
Julie am not illusionating that's the guy I fucked trust me , I persisted
May be at last you are in love and you are seeing him every where, she joked
Am serious Juliet, I replied seriously.
Oh may be let me first go to m y office Juliet and gather my self together because for real I just can't face the stranger I fucked this morning please Julie, I pleaded
Or you can handle this for me Julie I know you are strong enough to do this for me sweet.

No Olivia I have played my part now it's yours you go in there and execute this deal as you always do okay? I need that strong, ruthless woman I know back now so gather your self and enter in there because those people have waited for you the boss for more than three hours.
I took a strong breath and entered the room. As I entered they all stood in respectful manner. I took my sit just infront of them and my eyes landed on a guy I fucked and I felt shivers down my body and my pussy twitched

Julie introduced us and I apologized to them for being late to the meeting.
The guy replied by saying, we understand your assistant already explained to us and we had a great company with her

Yeah of course she did, I thought

Starting in the middle we have Mr Martin Peters is the chairman we are negotiating with , on his right we have Sarah Peters his wife and the manager for the project and on his left his personal assistant Mark Rodgers.
As the introduction went on I finished reading through the lease contract they had made and I made some changes I need this to end as soon as possible because I had to run away from this guy.
I really didn't understand why this guy had to lie about his identity to both of us.

With that I said, here I made some changes in the contract so if you accept it give it to secretary to retype it we shall sign the contract tomorrow at 2pm thanks.
With that I stood up to leave and the guy stretched his hand towards me and said it was nice meeting you ma'am
Nice meeting you to, my assistant will see you off and with that I left for my office.
And I asked my self , who is this guy?

For any advice because I need it find me on or for publications contact me on;
Facebook; Marville Van
Email; ttebajjukira@gmail.com
Instagram; van_marville

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