The Introduction.

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Hi. So my name is Leena Dughly. Some things I enjoy are rainy days, good music, tea, art, and taking pictures of pretty things. These are all important things in my life that I plan on talking about later. I'm a proud Syrian-American Muslim who's never afraid to speak her mind. I'm also a humanist and a feminist and not many people I know are too so these qualities are very important to me. Anyways more to come on these topics later. When I release this many people are going to wonder,
"Leena, why'd you write this book?"
"Aren't you too young to be writing a book about your life?"
"Out of all the things you could do in your spare time, why a book?"
There is no specific reason for me writing this. Maybe because it's 2:00 am and I feel inspired. Maybe it's a way I can make the wonders I write in my journal public. Maybe it's just so I can speak my mind. No one knows. Not even me.
Writing has always been a passion for me. Whether it was essays, creative writing for school, or just a diary I've always enjoyed it. I feel like this is probably going to end up being a boring ass book but so far it's making me happy and I like that. In this book, I'll talk about the most random things. Ranging from racism to puppies. Tumblr to anxiety. Art to family. I'm such a weird person. A weird person with a hell of a lot to say.

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