Chapter 9: New Beginnings by the Lake

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As the morning sunlight gently filtered through my curtains, rousing me from sleep, my phone began to ring. Without checking the caller ID, I answered it, only to be greeted by a familiar voice that sent a jolt through me.

"Hello?" I said groggily, still half-asleep.

"Hey, Ishani, it's Kabir," came the reply, his voice clear and distinct.

My eyes flew open wide, and I sat up in bed, suddenly fully awake. "Kabir? Good morning," I said, trying to sound composed despite the surprise.

"Good morning. Sorry to wake you up so early," he said apologetically. "I just wanted to talk to you Do you have a few minutes?"

"Of course," I replied, my heart fluttering nervously. "What's up?"

"Can you meet me now before class?" he asked.

"Sure, I can meet you," I responded, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness.

"Great. Let's meet at the café near the lake," Kabir suggested.

"Okay, sounds good. What time?" I asked, trying to keep my voice steady.

"How about half an hour before class starts?" he suggested.

"Sure, I'll see you there," I agreed, feeling a flutter of anticipation in my chest.

As I hung up the phone, my heart was racing, and a whirlwind of thoughts flooded my mind. "Why would he have called me?" I muttered to myself, feeling a mix of excitement and anxiety at the unexpected call.

As I looked through my wardrobe, searching for something to wear, an unfamiliar sense of self-consciousness washed over me. Usually, I didn't pay much attention to my appearance, but today felt different. For some reason, I wanted to look my best, to present myself in a way that would make a good impression.

"Why do I suddenly care about what I'm wearing?" I mused to myself, perplexed by the sudden shift in my attitude. Perhaps it was the anticipation of meeting Kabir or the uncertainty of the situation that prompted this newfound desire to look pretty.

In the end, I settled on a simple yet flattering outfit, hoping it would convey the confidence I didn't quite feel. As I glanced at myself in the mirror, I couldn't help but wonder what Kabir would think when he saw me. The thought made my heart flutter nervously, adding to the whirlwind of emotions already swirling inside me.

I hurried downstairs, catching my mom's attention as she bustled around the house.

"Mom, I have to head out early today. I have some work to take care of," I announced, trying to keep my tone casual despite the flutter of nerves in my stomach.

"Alright, beta. Just be careful, okay?" she replied, turning to give me a quick once-over with a motherly concern in her eyes.

"I will, Mom. Don't worry," I reassured her with a small smile before grabbing my bag and rushing out the door.

As I stepped outside, the cool morning air brushed against my skin, and I quickened my pace, eager to reach the café near the lake where Kabir had asked to meet.

I dialed Kabir's number as soon as I arrived at the café, the anticipation making my fingers tremble slightly. He answered after a couple of rings, his voice sounding somewhat hurried.

"Hey, Kabir. I'm here at the café. Where are you?" I asked, trying to mask the nervousness in my voice.

His response surprised me a bit. "Ishani, not in the cafe. Come to the lakeside instead," he said urgently, his words sending a shiver down my spine.

As I reached the lakeside, my eyes immediately found Kabir sitting facing the tranquil waters, his eyes closed as if lost in deep thought. The sight of him in that serene setting stirred something within me, and for a moment, I simply stood there, mesmerized by his presence. I had never truly noticed how handsome he looked, but in that moment, I couldn't tear my gaze away from him.

Kabir turned and caught sight of me, his face breaking into a warm smile. "Hey, when did you arrive?" he asked, gesturing for me to join him. "Come, sit beside me," he invited, patting the spot next to him.

As I settled beside him, we both gazed out at the tranquil lake for a moment before Kabir broke the silence

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As I settled beside him, we both gazed out at the tranquil lake for a moment before Kabir broke the silence. "Ishani, I know it's hard for you to trust me, but I want you to listen to me for once," he said, his voice calm and earnest. I turned to face him, curious about what he had to say.

"I know you've heard about my flings and all, but Ishani, I really want to have a genuine bond," Kabir confessed, his gaze fixed on the tranquil waters of the lake. "I want someone with whom I can share my thoughts, who understands me, who wants to be with me because of who I am, not because I'm famous in college."

"Ishani, I've been liking you for a long time," Kabir confessed, his words causing my heart to beat faster with each syllable. "But now, being paired together and getting to know you better, my feelings for you have only grown stronger. I've started liking everything about you."

Kabir's words hung in the air, heavy with emotion. "I love you, Ishani," he said, his gaze unwavering. I sat there, stunned, unable to react or respond. Time seemed to stand still as I processed his confession.

Kabir's hand held mine gently, his eyes searching mine for any sign of response. "Ishani?" he said softly, breaking the silence that enveloped us. His words echoed in my mind, stirring up a whirlwind of emotions.

He squeezed my hand reassuringly, his expression filled with hope and anticipation. "You can deny it, Ishani," he said earnestly, "but please, trust me when I say I really love you. If there's even a sliver of feeling in your heart for me, please give us a chance. Give this a chance."

I felt the weight of his words pressing down on me, Kabir's words lingered in the air, heavy with anticipation and uncertainty. As I remained silent, grappling with the flood of emotions coursing through me, he glanced at his watch, breaking the tense silence.

"It's time for class, Ishani," he said softly, rising from his seat. His voice was calm, masking any hint of disappointment or frustration. "Come, let's go."

As Kabir turned to leave, a surge of determination propelled me forward. "Kabir," I called out softly, stopping him in his tracks. He turned back, his gaze searching mine for any sign of what was to come.

Without uttering a word, I closed the distance between us, reaching out to gently grasp his hand in mine. Our eyes met, and a soft smile tugged at the corners of my lips. In that fleeting moment of connection, he understood.

There was no need for words; our silent exchange spoke volumes. With a reassuring smile, I conveyed my answer, and Kabir nodded in understanding. It was a silent affirmation of the feelings that had blossomed between us, sealing our unspoken agreement with a simple touch.

In the classroom, as we sat side by side, a newfound sense of happiness enveloped me. Today felt different; today, I was brimming with joy. Kabir and I were engrossed in conversation, discussing our plans, sharing laughter, and exchanging knowing glances.

It dawned on me – this was it. This was my first taste of love, my first step into a relationship that felt genuine and true.

Guys I know ye chapter chota he but I hope ki you guys enjoyed it.🦋

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