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So Y/n over the months after his first big mission has been fighting and training to get stronger than he was originally. To push past his already high limits. He has been fighting robots and using prisoners for target practice, checking his skill with a gun. Y/n did have a gun he preferred to use over. He called it Death's Arrow.

It is a sniper but a damn good one to use in combat

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It is a sniper but a damn good one to use in combat. It has a button on the side to change it from its sniper mode to a machine gun mode. Like Widowmaker's weapon but better. Anyway today was another mission but an Assassination mission. See, you had obviously been raised to be an assassin so this mission was the thing you were most excited about. You were busy working on upgrading your sniper until Sombra comes in with Sigma.

Sombra: hey amiga, big day today huh?

Y/n: my first assassination mission. I can't wait.

Sigma: good to see your excited for something

Y/n: thanks you two.

Sombra: you call us if you need help okay?

Y/n: of course but I think I've got this.

Then a speaker rung out calling you to the garage where the plane was stored. I put my sniper on my back and we all walked to the plane in silence. Then I got to the door of the plane.

Y/n: ill call you when I'm done.

Sombra: all Nightmare, good luck.

Sigma: good bye friend.

Y/n: see ya

You climb into the plane and the pilot started it up. You activated your communication device. Doomfist appeared as a hologram on the small table.

Y/n: father.

Doomfist: son. You know the mission?

Y/n: yes, snipe Mondatta. How hard can it be?

Doomfist: do not take this mission without caution. If the rumors are true then Overwatch will be there to save Mondatta. I hope you can beat them.

Y/n: of course Father. I got this

Doomfist: Goodluck, Doomfist out.

Doomfist hologram disappears as the plane get nears a roof in King's Cross. You jump of the plane and land on the roof, running to where Mondatta would be. Yet he had security on the roof. You quickly make your way behind the security on the roof and take them out. Once they are unconcious you take position on roof. Grabbing your sniper and looking through it at where Mondatta would. A crowed of people had gathered for his speech, yet they will be seeing his end. He will die tonight. Then Mondatta came out onto the stand and began his speech.

Mondatta: Human. Machine. We are all one within the Iris. Before me I see the future, humans and omnics standing together, united by compassion, by common hopes and dreams.

I looked through my scope at him yet I sensed something behind me. Strange, who else besides me would be on a roof. I already took out the guards. I turned around to be hit with blue beams from a dual wielding gun user. The user was a woman, not that tall but has a piece of machinery on her chest.

Tracer: Trying to crash the party luv.

She fired more shots, you took the damage and showed her that it was ineffective. Her toys had nothing on you. You quickly fired a shot from your sniper before turning it to machine gun mode and firing more shots. Tracer skillfully dodged every round and got behind cover, gathering her thoughts on how to best you. When she came from behind her cover, you had already moved. Jumping to another rooftop and taking out more guards. She quickly followed, blinking after you leaving a blue ray in her place. Once she got close she threw a pulse bomb at you, you however shot it when it was near her and she was sent off the rooftops. You grabbed your sniper and shot it. The bullet should of went through her  chest but she blinked out the way. Instead going through the robot's head. Hitting the target. Mondatta was dead and you started to walk away as the plane starts to come and pick you up. However Tracer wasn't done. She blinked over and attempted to put you on the ground, however you grabbed her by the neck and knocked her out. Picking her up and taking her with you.

Thanks for reading and sorry its a small chapter. Anyway see you later. Have a good day.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24 ⏰

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