Chapter 3: Wayward Son

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It's torrential as Sakamoto pulls into their friend's driveway. It would've been better for him to inform her before he came, but his mind was in a haze and he simply didn't think of it. He walks up to the door, counting each step he takes to distract from the reality of his situation. Each wet step causing him to wince mentally, reminiscent of the sounds he'd heard in the hot springs.

He's surprised though as the door opens before he knocks, the smiling face of Naomi changing to a look of concern as she sees her friend's condition. "He- Woah, what the hell happened, dude?" she says as she quickly ushers the mess of a man inside. Naomi was only two years older than Sakamoto, having already graduated college, and had been a stalwart companion since he and Mari met her through their shared interest in gaming. 

"H-How'd you know?" He stammers out, surprised at her initiative. She looks at him as if he's taken a blow to the head. "I've got a ring doorbell, I knew you were here the moment you pulled in." She smiles  slightly at him. "Now, why the hell do you look like you just lost a fight with your dresser?" She says, looking up and down as the disheveled man.

"Ha." Sakamoto lets out a laugh, empty of humor.  "Mari cheated on me. Or pretty much the equivalent." He says as he takes a seat in her kitchen, Naomi following as he rests his body at the marble island. 

She simply stares for a second, her mouth opening and closing as she tries to catch up with what he just said before it comes out in a yell. "What the hell!" she lets out as she stomps out of the room, coming back shortly with a chair and sitting opposite Sakamoto. "Tell me everything. I'm gonna kick her ass!" She says, anger evident as she stares at Sakamoto.

"Yeah.. we went on a hot spring trip together to hang out and relax. It started fine, we even..," Sakamoto blushes, before continuing. "..did it.. before we left." Sakamoto says, looking at Naomi as she nods to indicate she understood what he meant, but too angry to be embarassed.

 "Everything was fine, but then she left to go soak in the hot spring." He explained, putting emphasis on "soak". 

"Two hours later, I went to check on her. And she's in the mixed bath getting her brains screwed out by two men I'd never seen before." Sakamoto ends, looking up at Naomi to see her face fuming, her eye twitching as she silently nods for him to continue. 

He looks back down, running his hands through his hair as his nervous habit starts. "I felt sick, to put it simply. You probably know she was the woman I loved, so you can guess how I felt at that moment." Naomi nods again as Sakamoto continues, his hands running through his hair as he looks to be in pain simply from remembering. "I know I shouldn't have, but I ran. I ran to our room, grabbed my things, and I left." 

He pauses. "But I didnt. I wanted to leave, but I know I couldn't leave Mari there without a ride, despite what she did. So I just sat there, and waited." He ends, looking up at Naomi again. "Waiting was hell." Sakamoto says as he stares into Naomi's eyes, pain evident in his.

It takes a few moments for Naomi to articulate her words, rage clouding her mind at how her friend had been treated. "What a whore. If you'll excuse my language." Naomi says, taking a hand and putting it on Sakamoto's while sighing. "But it's obvious you need a distraction." she finishes, looking at Sakamoto intensely.  "..And a shower. You're soaked, dude." She adds.

Sakamoto looks back at her, before sighing as he stands up. "You're right. But you want to know the worst thing? A part of me wants to forgive her for what she did. I want to.. just sweep it under the rug as if it never happened." He looks down, tears once again rolling down his cheeks. "..I'm afraid to lose what I have, or what I had. I desperately want to believe it was a mistake, but I-"

 Naomi stands up and hugs Sakamoto before he can continue. "Shut up. Shut the hell up." She says, voice wavering. "You know that's wrong, you know what she did is unforgivable. You deserve better, you idiot." She blushes, pulling away and looking into Sakamoto's eyes. "You deserve someone who values you for more than.. that." She adds, a hint of disgust in her words as she thinks of Mari.

With Your Gamer Girl Friend At The Hot Spring - NTR ConsequencesWhere stories live. Discover now