Chapter 2: Don't you cry no more

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Hours passed, and not a word had been heard from Sakamoto since they'd gotten home, but Mari didn't dare to check on him, nor did she think she had the right. She lay there, curled up on the couch crying as she held the stuffed prize Sakamoto had won for her all those years back before they even started their relationship. She holds it tighter, wishing she could return to those days. 

A sound from behind her startles her from her haze, and she realizes it's Sakamoto as she turns around. She's surprised as she looks at him, thoughts racing in her mind as she waits for him to say something. She couldn't help but notice his eyes, a determination she'd not seen since they started seeing eachother blatant in them as he speaks. 

"I'm sorry, Mari. I don't want to see you anymore, not unless you fix what you did. And even then.." he trails off as he grabs her phone before she can react, a suspicion gnawing at him as he opens her contacts and sees the names "Taka" and "Tsuji" as the most recent.

Sakamoto's face curls in disgust, much to Mari's chagrin, and Sakamoto taps "call" and the ringing of the phone suddenly sounds out in the quiet apartment. "What are you-" but her voice is cut off as moments later, a man's voice is heard, his tone sounding excited as Sakamoto puts the phone on speaker. "Oh, haha! Mari, you're calling me so soon?" The man asks, obviously expecting something. He hands the phone to Mari, his face clearly conveying what she needs to do. 

She looks up at Sakamoto, panicking as his face looks at her with that same seriousness she'd never seen before, and scrambles to answer the phone. "Hey... Taka.. s-so um.. there's no easy way to say this, but.. I need to cut ties with you. I-If you could, please... delete my contact information from your phone. I'll be blocking you as well.." Mari says nervously, her words getting quiet near the end. 

Taka's voice responds over the phone, sounding irritated. "Cut ties!? You asked me for my information, not the other way around! What was the point of doing all that if you were just going to turn around and pretend it never happened!?" the voice over the phone said, his voice getting louder as his irritation changed to anger. 

But this only made Mari mad in turn. "Because I made a mistake! I have someone already, and I trampled all over his feelings and our relationship when I had sex with you! I don't want to ever see your face again!" Mari says, huffing as she ends her sentence. The phone goes quiet for a couple of seconds. "You've got to be kidding me? What the hell! Why didn't you tell me? Why would you do that? Put him on the phone so I can apologize! And you better too!" 

Mari winces at this but hands the phone to Sakamoto. "Yes?" Sakamoto says as he holds the phone in his hand. "Listen, I am so, so sorry for what I did. I honestly had no idea she was already with somebody. I was desperate and didn't even check. I had no idea, but she definitely knew what she was doing. Be careful with her, if I even have the right to say that." Taka says over the phone, his tone somber, causing Mari to hang her head in shame.

"I know," Sakamoto says, causing yet another flinch on Mari's part. "If you understand, just block this number and never contact us again." Sakamoto continues, a response being heard immediately from Taka. "Yes, way ahead of you! I was desperate so I hope you'll forgive me, but it seems you'll be needing to save that forgiveness for Mari. Hope you figure everything out!" Taka says as he abruptly hangs up, seemingly eager to leave the conversation. 

Sakamoto sighs as he lowers the phone, hovering over their contact info, and blocking both Taka and Tsuji.

"Just so you know, this isn't me forgiving you. Not yet. You have to show me you can change, and if this was truly a mistake, then you have to prove it. I'm only giving you this one chance because, despite my better judgement, I believe in the good part of you and in the memories we had. But if this happens again, I don't know what I'd do." Sakamoto says, a look passing through his eyes as he finishes his sentence that scares Mari, not for her own safety, but for his. 

Mari pauses for a brief moment, panicking at what he just indicated. "No, no, no! Don't think like that! I like you so much Sakamoto, I don't know what to do with myself!" her tone shifts as she looks down. "I know we aren't in an official relationship, but I should have known how much this meant to you, and yet I still did it. I really am sorry, and I really won't ever do it again." Mari finishes, tears streaming down her face as she sobs.

Sakamoto sighs once more, collecting his thoughts. "I'm not the type to hold grudges, you know that. But still, this was too much for me to handle. I guess I maybe overreacted considering you're not my girlfriend, but let's change that then if that was the issue. We need to be more open about what we are." Sakamoto says, looking away nervously. Mari stares for a second before she catches what he means.

"Wa- you mean? Really?" Mari says, trying to suppress her smile. Sakamoto's anger flares once more at seeing her smile, but ignores it. "I do. Maybe. It's my fault for not making it clear earlier that I wanted it to be exclusive, so maybe this was my fault to begin with, but you should have communicated as well. You've told me I was the only one you'd do this with, and you still did.. that. For now, we'll just be friends until things cool down." Sakamoto pauses, and then continues. "As you are now, if I'm being honest, I should just break things off with you. I can't imagine doing anything with you because you're tainted by another man." Sakamoto finishes, causing Mari to once again look down, her eyes watering. "I see that you're truly sorry, but words don't fix what you did. I need you to show you truly won't do this again." Sakamoto says as he brings a surprised Mari into an apprehensive hug.

"I know if I were to leave you now, you and I would regret this for the rest of our lives. I don't know if I can forgive you, not right now, but I don't want to hurt you the way you hurt me." He says dryly as he looks into her eyes, and for the first time Mari realizes how deeply she's hurt Sakamoto. 

To her it was a one time thing, never to be spoken of, but to Sakamoto it was world shattering.

 She falls to her knees, intense sobs beginning to wrack through her body as her face turns pale and she struggles to breathe. "I-Im so sorry, Sakamoto! I'm so sorry!" is all she can muster, her words quickly deteriorating into noises and whimpering. Sakamoto simply stares down at her, feeling.. content? He didn't know, but he knew it wasn't a positive feeling.

"Mari. It's fine, I mean not really, but I don't like seeing you cry like this. I have all of these negative emotions in me right now, so I think it'd be better for me to leave while I clear my head." Sakamoto says as he crouches down to level with Mari, putting a hand on her trembling shoulder. 

She looks up at him, confusion mixing with panic. "Leave? No, please don't leave me!" She says as she panics, reaching to grab onto his arm, causing him to shush her. "Calm down. I just need to clear my head. I'll be back. Please just wait for me." Sakamoto says, his eyes seemingly focused elsewhere. He stands up and makes his way to the door, leaving the mess of a woman behind, equally a mess himself as he gets into his car and starts the engine, pulling out of the driveway as he drives to his destination.

With Your Gamer Girl Friend At The Hot Spring - NTR ConsequencesKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat