Chapter 17

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Will wasted no time, and struck first. As much as we wanted to make Aeron suffer, he knew his top priority was the safety of his children. He conjured a massive ash cloud, which twisted and condensed into a giant skeletal hand that flew out towards the grotesque figure before him. The impact sent shudders through the ground, but it wasn't enough. The beast stopped his attack, catching the fist with one of his hands.

Will's relentless assault continued, each blast growing in intensity and fury. The beast simply kept blocking, matching the strength of each strike, and canceling them out. But Will was not deterred. He quickly created an ash clone of himself, which continued assailing the demon while he launched himself towards the twins. As he closed in on them, his arm morphed into a sharp blade. His plan was simple - the clone would keep the Aeron occupied while he cut the chain holding the children.

He had to hurry, for the clone wouldn't last long. While it's a useful move, the clone uses the ash that forms its body to attack, so the more ash that's used and the larger the attack the less there is for it to maintain its shape; and, with the ferocity and pace it was attacking Aeron, the weaker the strikes became.

As Will closed the distance, his blade ready to slash through the chains holding Kato and Alina, their eyes met. Kato's were wide with fear - fear for not just his own life, but for his sister's life, and fear of both Will and Aeron. But in that moment, Will could see something more in Kato's eyes.

Kato's eyes were, in fact, not looking at Will. No, his gaze was focused towards something behind him. He wanted to warn Will, but his voice would not come out. At that moment, Will saw a hand being reflected in Kato's eyes. Will's body shifted, reducing itself into ash particles and quickly reforming so he faced the danger, but it was too late. A thin arm had stretched up from the shadows and grabbed Will's leg with an iron grip.

Kato watched as his captor finally struck back. Aeron had anticipated Will's move, or at least the demon he spawned had. He was cunning, for when Will first attacked, he let one of his arms, slither around behind him, and wait in the shadows until Will leapt towards the children. Once his hand gripped Will's leg, Aeron attacked. His strikes were heavy, and plowed through the clones blasts easily ripping through the clone until it was gone.

He pulled Will towards him, a maniacal chortle rolled out as he pulled one of the chain collars from his flesh.

Will's face contorted in pain as the demon's miasmic power negated his invulnerability. "Shit!" He cursed, the words unwillingly escape from his lips as Aeron pulls him closer. In a desperate move, Will quickly formed a large sickle, the blade wrapped around his crushed leg. He quickly pulled up on the handle, and the blade effortlessly sliced through. The miasmic presence of demons was too lethal, and Will knew his leg wouldn't heal after being touched. So, he made a daring gamble by severing his own limb, maybe, just maybe, his regenerative powers wouldn't be hindered. It was a gamble, but it was one he had to make if he we going to stand a chance.

With the change of weight, Aeron stumbled backwards with a large thud. He grumbled angrily, tossing the hacked off limb to the ground, before tossing the steel collar at Will. It was connected to his body by a chain that seemed to materialize from inside him.

There was no pain when he chopped off his leg, which quickly reformed while he was still in the air. "I knew it-" He says as the collar comes straight at him. At the moment of impact, Will dissolves his gut, and the collar passes right through him, and embedding into the cave wall.

He reforms atop the chain, "I always hated calling out the names of my moves..." he says, recalling a conversation he and Levin had.


Will and Levin had both recently completed their rigorous training at the academy in Umbroniya, honing their skills with their Memento Mori. They walked through the moonlit streets, discussing the days lesson, while awaiting their results, and subsequently, their assignments. They had to demonstrate a powerful technique; preferably one they had named. Levin excelled, demonstrating his second bullet. Will on the other hand, failed this particular lesson.

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