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*Principle Yaga began the introductions for the game. He introduced the coaches, staff, managers, parents, and Nobara for the uniform designs, all the while both teams stood on each side of him.*

   "Thank you all for coming this Friday evening to watch the first opening game of the 2018-2019 basketball season—special thanks to the ladies and gentlemen in the front for selling snacks and tickets. Thank you to the managers for keeping the basketball team together, thank you to the parents for taking the kids to their practices, and finally, another special thanks to Coach Gojo, the head coach for the past two years, as well as Kugasaki Nobara for designing the new uniforms for the team." he credited. At the same time, Nobara stood up, and the crowd applauded. As the people praised her for her excellent work, Y/N glanced at the basketball team and found Yuji Itadori looking at her. They both made eye contact for a moment before she shifted her attention back to Nobara.

"And with that, let the long-awaited basketball game begin!"

    *Tokyo Metropolitan Technical High had won 61-60, with Panda winning the final shot. It was an intense and quick-paced game, indeed. TMTHS won for the first few periods, but Kyoto was behind them the whole time by one or two points. Inumaki and Yuji were always the ones who made the three-pointers or layups. Megumi, being very good with assists, would pass the ball to either boy, and they both stood their ground, going undefeated. Whenever Kyoto was close to scoring, the audience would start chanting while stomping their feet on the bleachers, adding more suspense to the game.*

   *Everyone, including Y/N and Nobara, was on the edge of their seats the whole game. The Kyoto team gave Panda two chances to shoot because of a foul play, and everyone watched in amazement as he took advantage of that, scoring the game's final point. The game would have gone overtime if it hadn't been for that. Both teams and coaches lined up to shake hands before picking up their stuff to head into their designated locker rooms.*

"I told you that the game wouldn't be bad; it was so good that you didn't leave your seat to get snacks or anything! You were so invested, girl!" Nobara exclaimed proudly, knowing she was right. 

"Well, it's my first time coming to a high school basketball game, and it had me on my toes the whole time. Like, how could I straight up leave when every move was so engrossing?" Y/N rhetorically stated, trying to convince her friend that she wasn't entirely correct either. 

"It was perfect, and for a second there, I thought Kyoto might've won the game," Maki said, ready to leave the gym. "Gotta thank Inumaki and Itadori for all those points they made. We would've surely been in shambles if it weren't for them."                                       

"If the basketball games here are this interesting, I'll likely start coming to more," Y/N commented, making Nobara flabbergasted.

"It was an adrenaline-packed game for sure; if you go to more games, Y/N, I'd tag along." 

"Awe, are you leaving, Maki?" both girls turned their heads to face the green-haired girl.

"Nope. Sadly, I must talk with Coach Gojo and then wait for those second-year idiots. Usually, after their games, they get HANGRY, so we get food afterward." 

"Chicken nuggets or pizza sound so good right now, not gonna lie," Y/N said, closing her eyes to imagine while holding her stomach. 

"Actually, you guys should join us. Just have to pay for yourselves, probably." Maki suggested, walking towards the locker room and turning to face the girls.

"Oh my God! That sounds like a plan! How long will it take for you to talk to Coach Gojo and wait for the boys?"

"Maybe 30 to 35 minutes? But you guys can go somewhere and text me so we can meet up." Maki spoke, turning to face them fully. 

"Okay, that works. We'll see you guys later then." Y/N said, waving goodbye to Maki as Nobara and her headed in the opposite direction. 

   *They leave the gym and walk towards Y/N's 2014 Z/28 Navy Blue Camaro. She let Nobara have the AUX, and she immediately began playing "What's New" by Megan Thee Stallion. They both agreed to eat at a pizza place that had an arcade and texted Maki to let her know. She replied with a thumbs-up emoji, saying she had finished talking to Coach Gojo and was now waiting for the boys.*

   *Y/N had become friends with Maki through Nobara and was excited to meet the uprising athletes of the basketball team. She had heard so much about them, like how, supposedly, Panda was simply a nickname for the guy because he gives awesome hugs. Nonetheless, she still needed to meet them formally. They eventually arrived at their destination less than 10 minutes from the school and found nice parking. They both exited the vehicle and walked towards the pizza place.*

"What kind of pizza do you think they'll like?" Y/N asked Nobara with a raised eyebrow and her head slightly tilted. 

"Well, I think you should order whatever pizza you want and then get two different ones; after all, boys eat anything, especially if they're HANGRY." 

"You're so right, Nobara," Y/N said, brushing off the cares she had. 

"I'm ordering wings. I've been craving some like crazy for the past week. And how many drinks do you think we'll even need?"

"For sure, six drinks, but who knows if Maki or Panda will invite someone else. Just in case, eight drinks, maybe?" Nobara voiced, shrugging her shoulders. 

"Sounds good. You can go find somewhere to sit, and I'll pay-"

"Are you sure Y/N? We could buy our own pizza, and the rest can pay for theirs."

"It's fine, don't worry about it. That's partly why I started working, to spoil you and any of my friends. I'm also starving, so I'm gettin' this pizza now."

"Awe, that's really the reason~?" Nobara asked under her breath, her eyes twinkling. 

*Y/N went up to the cashier and ordered as Nobara went to find a booth or table. Once the ordering was done,  they both sat at a round booth she found.*

"Not bad for 68 dollars. Good thing I have a coupon, though." Y/n said with a huge smile. 

"Thank you for paying for my dinner, lunch, and breakfast," Nobara said, resting her head on her arms on the table. "I've been so stressed that I didn't eat today. I'm just so glad everything turned out perfect, and now I can finally eat!" she continued, turning her head to face Y/N. 

"You can't only eat when I'm here; I know you get stressed, but you have to ea-"

"Hey guys!" Maki waved, walking towards them. Inumaki, Yuta, and Panda were at her side, and behind them were the two first-year players. 

"Y/N, this is Inumaki, Panda, and Yuta," Maki stated, gesturing her arms toward the men. "And these two are the stars of tonight's game, Yuji and Megumi." 

"Hello!" Y/N smiled as she lightheartedly waved at them. "I had already ordered all the food and drinks for you all. I'm not sure how hungry you guys are, so I ordered three pizzas." Y/N spoke, internally glad that she bought extra drinks thanks to Nobara's suggestion.

"Thank you, Y/N, for buying the food," Panda said with stars in his eyes. 

"Thank you, Y/N!"  they each had said, one after another. 

"It's fine. Just get me ice cream or win me something cute, and I'll be happy." Y/N chuckled, looking toward Panda and stealing a glance at Itadori. They both made eye contact yet again.

*A few minutes after everyone got seated, Y/N sat at the end of the booth, waiting for the staff to say that her order was ready on the intercom. While she texted her mom, they called her name to get the pizzas and wings.*

"I'll go with you, Y/N," Panda said, scooting out of the booth.

"Me too!" Yuji announced, already exiting the booth. 

"Thank you, guys."

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