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Sometimes a single thing can change your whole life.....

Similarly because of one dream my whole life changed, not any normal change but actually a major change. So to make you all understand lemme start from a normal day of my life.....

I woke up and opened my eyes from my beautiful sleep but as soon as I turned to check my phone I was shook. "OH MY GODDDDDD I AM LATE SHIT!!!" I panicked and hurriedly started searching for my clothes. I took a pair of blue jeans and a white crop top and rushed towards my bathroom..... .After a quick shower I did a simple ponytail and applied some lip gloss. I was preparing my bag until I heard a familiar voice from downstairs.

Rebecca Stanford : Tay!!! come on I know you don't want to miss your first day of 12th grade!!!come on honey come fast!!!

Taylor Stanford: YES MOM COMING!!!

I came downstairs to find mom waiting for me on the door with a lunch box in her hand. "Tay you are late you know naa!??"mom said this in a teasy way. I know why she was saying this.....Actually we were talking about this yesterday. Me and mom made a bet that If I couldn't woke up early today then I would treat her whatever she likes or If I woke up early then she would treat me but I woke up late so, yeah!! I will treat her. we made this bet as I always get late on my first day of every grade. It's been a record ever since 6th grade.....

Taylor Stanford: "I know mom. Now will you please give me the lunch box....."

Rebecca Stanford: " Umm Yea--"

Peter Stanford: "Not so fast sweetie!!!" Suddenly dad came from behind with a camera in his hands and said in a very cheerful voice. I knew what he was going to do with it....

Taylor: "DAD I AM ALREADY VERY LATE WE CAN DO THIS SOME ANOTHER TIME!!" I cried out but then as always they both started to stare me with very sympathetic and innocent eyes. So I gave in. "Fine but please be quick dad...I don't want to get scolded by my new teachers"

then he clicked pictures of me and I left home for school.

I never imagined my Highschool year is going to end soon. This is the last year then I will be in college!! I am also no different from any 17 year old girl who is very excited to start her college life soon. I was thinking all of this until I heard my dad saying we have reached school.

I was picking up my stuff and was about to get of the car until dad said something again. "Tay I know Its your last year of Highschool so you should enjoy more and experience new stuff. you know na what I am talking about...." I just nodded my head because I didn't know what to say to him.

I entered my school hallway and saw all the eyes were on me. Well it wasn't very surprising as I am one of the most popular girl in whole school which is pretty annoying for me sometimes and surprisingly I am the popular girl whom didn't date until now and earlier dad was talking about it also. As just I was heading towards my locker, I saw Hailey talking to some girls but as soon as she saw me she started shouting and ran towards me.

Hailey Jean is my best friend since 8th grade. Even though she's totally opposite of me like partying, social butterfly, extrovert, savage but we instantly clicked when we first met. I am so glad to have a cool friend like her.

Hailey Jean:" OHMYGODD TAY YOU FINALLY CAME!!! AND YOU ARE NOT VERY LATE THIS TIME!!" Taylor : "Wait really!? I thought I will be late... Thank god!!"

Hailey Jean: "Yup! Never mind... Isn't it exciting like it's our last year then we will be off for college!!"

Taylor:" Yea---"

"HEY TAYLOR AND HAILEY!!" Suddenly I heard a voice behind me and I knew who It was.....I was waiting for a long time to hear this voice.....

writer's note: hello to all the beautiful readers who read this whole chapter!!! this is the first chapter. I know it was kinda boring.... this was just an introduction chapter of some characters. btw what do you think who is the person Taylor was talking at last? let me know in the comments and chapters will be uploaded twice in a week on every Wednesday and Saturday. please give your love and support<3 It's my first time writing a story.... so I'll meet you on next Wednesday until then take care everyone and love y'all<3

In the dreams[season 1]Where stories live. Discover now