George & Xander

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It should come as no surprise to the engines whenever George The Steamroller is negatively ranting about the rails. But every time he does something to prove his point, it always gets the better of him, resulting in him becoming a laughingstock. Despite these setbacks, he always comes back with another scheme.

The engines are always having to put up with his attitude. Some just ignore him, while others shout back at him, sometimes mentioning his past embarrassments.

However, one engine would end up becoming the first to discover a side of the rude steamroller that no one else has seen before.

One morning, Corina was bringing The Pack to where a new road was being made. It had been planned to be a shortcut from Great Watertown to the wharf.

However, Buster The Steamroller wasn't available due to having engine troubles. So, The Pack had to reluctantly call for George to fill in.

"I can't believe we're working with George," groaned Alfie. "He's probably going to rant again."

"Why do you think George behaves like this all the time?" Corina asked.

"I don't know," replied Jack. "He never mentions anything about his past."

Initially, George just muttered to himself, but not long after his arrival, he finally spoke to Jack and Alfie.

"I'm surprised that some of you need a rail engine to help you get around," he said to them.

"Well, it's not exactly safe for us to use a busy road to get to the worksite," argued Alfie.

"How do you expect us to get here?" asked Jack.

"I know some rather useful routes here on Sodor," replied George. "You should try taking them often."

Just then, Xander pulled up to them.

"What do you want?" asked George.

"I-I'm just curious," replied Xander.

"About what?" the three pressed.

"About why you act like this," answered Xander "George, I've heard about your stories from the other engines, but you've never talked about why you have a grudge against us rail engines. As far as I'm concerned, we haven't done anything to offend you."

"That's the thing, kid," said George. "Aside from my driver and the company that I work for, no one has done a single thing overall for me. Everyone else is always doing something for the railway, both here on Sodor and back on the Mainland, where I used to work. It was there in particular that I developed my hatred towards railways."

"I can understand where you coming from," said Xander. "But I don't think it's worth threatening to rip up rails or doing despicable things."

"Well, how else am I supposed to vent?" grunted George. And he chugged away.

"If he's venting, then how is he going to explain his run-in with Sir Handel?" Alfie asked. "Or when he caused Thomas to cash into a barn? Or when he caused Gordon to crash into one of Duck's cart? Or even when-"

"Okay, we get it, Alfie," chuckled Jack.

"If what he said about no one doing anything for him is true, then I think we should do something for him," Xander suggested.

Jack and Alfie were concerned when Xander suggested that.

"Are you sure that's a good idea?" asked Jack.

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