Guiding Gordon

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Guiding Gordon

Part 4 of a multi-part story


Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3: See Part 8

Part 4: This very story


Ever since Gordon and Edward disappeared after a drastic crash, it took a strong toll on the railway, specially on his two cousins. Henry refused to go anywhere near his cousin's hill, as it would only bring back terrible memories that he had regretted making. Meanwhile, Vincent was hardly caring at all. While he did have regrets of indirectly causing Gordon's disappearance, he hardly any time to think about it, as he was busy doing his cousin's role as the railway's main express engine.

One night, the engines can only think about their missing Number 2 and Number 4.

"You think they're okay?" Corina asked.

"I wish I knew," answered James.

"I didn't think we'd ever see the day," muttered Thomas. "Where our constant teasing would cause Gordon to leave."

"And Vincent and I were indirectly responsible," added Henry sadly. "All this because I got stuck on... his hill, and he was right behind me. All this because Vincent had similar appearance."

Just then, Vincent himself came back.

"I know my cousin," he said to the others. "He's broken-minded right now, but deep down, he's still proud and strong. Sooner or later, he will notice that, and before we know it, he will be back here on Sodor."

Suddenly, the engines heard a puffing noise. A rather familiar one.

"Maybe," came a tired yet familiar voice. "But you shouldn't be overconfident with such a thing."

The source of the voice came up right next to Vincent, and the engines gasped. What appeared before them was a very tired, very dirty, and very disheveled... Edward.

"You came back," said Henry.

"Where have you been?" Xander asked.

"I've looked everywhere on Sodor," replied Edward. "But I can't find Gordon. No one has seen him. So, it could only mean one thing."

"He's on the mainland, isn't he?" said Vincent.

"Yes," said Edward. "Gordon really did leave Sodor, but I thought it was just the railway, not the entire island."

"Edward, you know how big the mainland is," said Liz. "It's too much for one engine to look for Gordon alone."

"Which is why I found an ally," said Edward.

Another familiar chuffing sound came in, and the engines were in shock once again upon seeing another familiar engine appearing right next to Edward. It was Spencer.

"You... brought in Spencer?" Thomas asked. He then turned to Spencer. "What about the Duke and Duchess of Boxford?"

"Well," started Spencer. "They decided to let me go. They were fine without a private engine, and... I accepted it. So, I'm here now. A freelancer look for an old adversary."

"Well, if you're going to the mainland, then count us in as well," said Liz.

Edward and Spencer were surprised and confused, as the other engines all chimed in to help out.

"Gordon's our friend too," said Thomas. "And searching on the mainland requires a much bigger team."

Edward smiled.

"Okay then," he said to the others. "First thing tomorrow morning, we will begin our search for Gordon."

The next morning, Edward came to see Sir Topham Hatt and Mr. Starr. The two controllers were surprised Edward and Spencer back on Sodor, but were even more surprised to hear their plan.

"We believe Gordon is on the mainland," Edward said to them. "So, we need to head over there."

"Still, he could be anywhere," said Sir Topham Hatt.

"It's possible that there could be some likely possibilities for him to hide in," added Edward's driver.

At the sheds, maps of the mainland laid everywhere.

"Knowing Gordon, he'd probably run away to what used to be his stomping ground," said Mr. Starr.

"The LNER?" Thomas asked. "Didn't that railway close down in 1947?"

"All the more reason to consider it as a good hiding spot," added Mr. Starr. "Some of the rails are still present, yet because of that, no one would suspect a thing."

"If Gordon's anywhere, then he's definitely feeling homesick," said Edward.

Soon, Thomas, Edward, Henry, Vincent, Spencer, Liz, Mr. Starr, and a number of engines had set out for the mainland to find Gordon. The days went by and the search grew harder, but they wouldn't give up.

Soon, they found themselves at the now-dilapidated LNER, but there was still no sign of their Number 4.

Suddenly, their search had finally come to an end... albeit by accident.


"Do you hear something?" Thomas asked.

"I hear creaking," answered Edward.

Mr. Starr looked down, and saw the ground below him was about to break!

"Uh-oh," he muttered.


"Oy!" shouted Mr. Starr as he fell down into the broken ground!


Luckily, he didn't fall far, as landed on something, which appeared to be made out of metal, and colored in a familiar shade of blue.

"Is this who I think it is?" he said quietly.

Just then, he heard a familiar voice yawning, as if they were just waking up from a long sleep. He looked down... and smiled.

"I've found him, everyone!" he shouted to the surface. "I found our missing Number 4!"

The very thing that he was sitting on... was Gordon.

"Excuse me, Mr. Starr," he inquired. "But how did you find my old hiding spot?"

As it turns out, Gordon had used this spot in the past as somewhat of a backup shed in case the main ones were filled.

"And why are you here?" he added. "You're not trying to vandalize the LNER track, are you?"

"No, I wouldn't dare," chuckled Mr. Starr. "We were just looking for you, big guy. The engines on Sodor miss you. They want you to come home."

"Even after the madness I went through?" Gordon asked. "With Henry getting stuck, and Vincent bringing back old memories?"

"Of course," answered Mr. Starr. "Henry and Vincent even said that Sodor hasn't been the same since you left. They really want their Number 4 to come back."

Gordon just smiled a little.

"Well," he said. "I think I'm starting to feel homesick."

"We thought you were homesick after you left," said Mr. Starr. "That's why you came here, right?"

"I was," added Gordon. "And yes. That's why came to the old LNER. But Sodor is my home as well."

After reuniting with Gordon's crew, they lit his fire, drove him out of his hiding spot, and the engines were ready to go back to Sodor, proud to have succeeded in bringing back Gordon. He had since forgiven Henry and Vincent, and the three cousins remained on good terms.

Back on Sodor, everyone was happy to see Gordon back on the railway, and reprising role as the railway's main express engine. While he managed to maintain his usual boastful behavior, he had still become a much different engine. But the others didn't mind, they were just glad to have their Number 4 back on Sodor.

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