The New Deputy

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Original version made by Victor Tanzig


Everyone on Sodor is already aware that the Northwestern Railway, especially the Sodor Railway, is run by one controller: Sir Topham Hatt. But sometimes, the role of controlling a railway can be overwhelming for just one person. The Railway Board has noticed this type of problem, and has decided that now is the time for changing things up.

One morning, Sir Topham Hatt, who had just returned from a meeting with the board the other day, gathered all of the engines at Knapford Station for an important announcement.

"The Railway Board and I have come to the conclusion that the NWR is need of a deputy railway controller," he said to them. "An election for this spot has already been arranged. So, you might expect a number of rallies occurring."

"Something tells me that Knapford will be riddled with them, compared to every other station," huffed Gordon.

"Indeed," chuckled Sir Topham Hatt. "I shall see you by the end of the election. Take care, engines." And he walked away.

The engines were pleased that Sir Topham is no longer controlling the railway by himself.

"This is great," said Liz happily. "A deputy controller for the line."

"I don't know if I'm going to like this idea," muttered Percy. "I mean, we're already used to having Sir Topham Hatt giving us assignments, arranging events, and even coming to us in the mornings."

"Well, I think it'll do him wonders, Percy," replied Thomas. "After all, Sir Topham Hatt does need to spend some time away from the public eye."

The engines could only agree to that remark.

As the election was being arranged, the engines could only wonder who the candidates will be. Aside from Sir Topham Hatt, the stationmasters, and the leaders of the various companies on the railway, they've had some rare encounters with some of the railway's other leading figures. Unfortunately for them, the Railway Board has picked two managers as candidates for the election. Two who were unpopular, not only to the engines, but the staff as well.

The first was Basil Corbett, the Sodor Railway's financial director, who, at the moment, was the acting deputy, as part of an experiment by the Board. While he was unpopular, he was actually very good at his job, always negotiating favourable terms with clients and ensured that they paid up on time. However, what makes him unpopular was that he was usually slow to authorize expenses, even on essential matters, like salaries and maintenance. How he managed to keep his job despite his infamy really baffles everyone.

Though, despite Corbett being unpopular, his opponent was said to be much worse.

The engines didn't know who it was until James came back to Tidmouth, having heard the news from one of the Board's representatives at Elsbridge.

"I encountered one of the Railway Board's representatives at Elsbridge," he said to the others. "I asked who the other candidate was, and he told me it was Mr. Freeman."

"Oh, bother," muttered Gordon. "If he wins, I might as well head straight for the mainland."

"I'm... s-sorry," stuttered Xander. "But who's Mr. Freeman? I already know Mr. Corbett from one of the stationmasters, but I don't recall anyone talking about his opponent."

"Giles Freeman," answered Henry. "Another unpopular figure among the railway management. He works as the railway's public relations officer. Before that, he was a lobbyist for the road transport industry."

"Ever since Mr. Freeman joined the Board, there were numerous press leaks, making us lose several contracts to various bus and lorry companies," added James. "Despite this, Mr. Freeman has somehow been allowed to stay on the Board, apparently making people blind to the obvious facts, including the other Board members."

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