Middle Sibling

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Middle Sibling


Ever since learning that he has another sibling in Xander, Percy has been feeling uneasy. When Liz came to Sodor, he felt proud to have her for an older sibling. Nowadays, he's stuck in an awkward position. Since Xander was completed by the time he moved to Sodor, it technically made Percy a middle sibling. Liz knew that Percy wasn't ready to be an older sibling, as he was already used to being a younger one. So, she and Thomas came up with an idea.

One morning, Sir Topham Hatt came to the four engines with an assignment.

"Ms. Packard has contacted about a building assignment that requires your help," he said to them. "One of the school districts here on the island is planning on building a nature observation center. This building will help with educating students about the plants and the animals on Sodor. Two of you will be gathering materials back and fourth, as the center will house a track for engines to give tours. The other two will help with building the tour track itself. Are you up to the task."

"Yes, sir," replied the engines.

"Good," replied Sir Topham Hatt. "I shall see you upon the center's completion." And he walked away.

"I can already expect such a massive amount of materials," chuckled Thomas.

"So, who's doing which task?" pondered Percy.

"I've already planned that out, Percy," replied Liz. "Thomas and I will handle the tour track, while you and Xander gather the materials."

The younger saddle tanks became incredulous.

"U-Us?" stuttered Xander. "J-Just the t-two us? Alone?"

The boys can already tell by the look on their sister's face that she really means it. What they didn't notice is that Thomas was also in on the idea.

"We'll meet up at the site," he said to them. And with that, he and Liz headed for the building site, leaving the two remaining saddle tanks bewildered.

At the construction site, Thomas was immediately excited to meet up with The Pack, who were just as excited he is. They've never worked on a project involving nature before. On the other hand, Liz was admiring the nature spot where the center will be built. It reminded her of when Henry gave her a tour of his forest. She had hoped that this part of the island would be protected from hunters, just like Henry's Forest became a wildlife preserve after Henry had thwarted some hunters from hunting a deer.*

Meanwhile, as Percy and Xander were gathering the first set of materials at Brendham Docks, Porter came up to them.

"Is something wrong?" he asked.

Xander was too busy watching the materials being loaded to answer.

"It's nothing too serious," replied Percy. "We're just collecting materials for a nature center. We'll be doing this until the project is complete."

But Porter can already tell that Percy is hiding something.

"Are you pulling my wheel, Percy?" he asked. "I can tell you're lying."

Percy just groaned.

"Okay. I'll tell you," he whispered to Porter. "But not so loud. I don't want Xander listening."

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