Matthew's brow furrowed in confusion. "What do you mean?"

"Like, have you seen her playing with anyone else when you're there?" her friend elaborated, his voice lowering to an urgent whisper.

A thoughtful expression settled over Matthew's features as he pondered the question. After a moment's contemplation, he nodded slowly. "Now that you mention it, something did seem off yesterday. She was usually really happy when I came over yesterday, she normally wore a bore look when I came over but yesterdaywas different"

The two students leaned in eagerly, sensing a revelation on the horizon. "Anything else?" the lanky young man pressed.

Matthew's gaze grew distant as he delved deeper into his recollections of the previous day's visit with Mia. "Not really," he admitted with a slight shake of his head. "Why are you asking all this, did something happen?"

His inquisitors quickly shook their heads in unison. "Nothing, we're just asking," the purple-haired girl assured him. "She hasn't come outside since she arrived over a week ago. She has to be doing something she considers fun in there."

A contemplative frown tugged at Matthew's lips as he listened to their words . "I mean, she does have a phone, so maybe she just uses that to pass time," he reasoned with a casual shrug of his shoulders.

The lanky student opened his mouth to respond, but his companion swiftly interjected. "I guess..." she muttered, her tone laced with skepticism that belied her words.

Matthew took a half-step backwards, his body language betraying his growing impatience. "Can I go now?"

The purple-haired girl seemed to sense his restlessness, her features hardening with renewed determination. "One more thing," she added quickly, holding up a hand to forestall any protests.

Matthew heaved an inaudible sigh but remained silent, awaiting her query.

"Don't you think it's a bit strange, from all the stories and videos we've seen, that she hasn't asserted her dominance yet?" the girl pressed. "Or more importantly, that no one has been past tensed?"

A flicker of offense flashed across Matthew's features at her blunt insinuation. "Do you want our story to be like the others?" he countered, his voice taking on a sharper edge. "You should be happy she's friendly and not asking why. She could have done anything she wanted just like the others and no one would or could stop her, but she didn't." He shook his head, his expression softening as a glimmer of wonder crept into his eyes. "So should rather appreciate her than what your doing right now, or maybe you should come with me and actually meet her – it might ease your tension when you get to know her."

The lanky student promptly shook his head, waving his hands in a vehement gesture of refusal. "No thank you, you can go now."

Matthew shot him a look of mild exasperation, rolling his eyes heavenward. "Okay, whatever," he muttered before turning on his heel and continuing on his way across the campus grounds.

As he approached the towering structure that served as Mia's dorm, Matthew couldn't help but reflect on his friends' pointed questions and thinly veiled suspicions. It was true that Mia's presence on campus – and indeed, on their entire planet – was an anomaly that defied all logic and reason. Yet, in the short time he had spent in her company, the giantess had proven herself to be nothing but friendly, even tnou she gets scary at times

A small, bemused smile tugged at the corners of his lips as he recalled the first time he had laid eyes on her her. From volunteering to be her school  guild qnd now her first human friend.

As Matthew drew nearer, he couldn't help but feel a swell of eager anticipation at the prospect of spending more time in Mia's company. Her unpredictable nature and playful spirit never failed to inject a touch of whimsy and excitement into his otherwise mundane routine.

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