"Chanyeol! they got him."

A sinister smile spread across my face. Without wasting much time, I ubruptly sat up from my place and hurriedly left the lounge and out of the bar.

The clock struck midnight as we stormed out of the bar, my whole body contend with range. Behind me was my loyal folks, chen discreetly follows me while baekhyun walks before me to open the passenger seat. Once we settled ourselves in the car, Baekhyun started the engine with Chen beside him, settled.

As the engine roared into life, Baekhyun gripped the steering wheel tightly. With a swift shift into gear, he floored the accelerator, the car hurtling forward like a bolt of lightning. Wind whipped through the open windows as he expertly maneuvered through the winding roads.

As the sleek black sedan cruised through the city streets, my steely gaze fixed on the horizon. My mind, however, was elsewhere, dwelling on the problem lurking in the depths of my basement. The captive, bound and gagged, awaited his fate, and my thoughts churned with the various methods of disposal.

Outside the tinted windows, the city lights flickered like distant stars, but my focus remained on the task at hand. Should I opt for a swift and silent execution, or perhaps something more elaborate to send a message to potential rivals? My mind played out scenarios, each one more ruthless than the last.

Yet, as I pondered, a sense of unease crept over me. The risks inherent in my line of work were well-known, but this particular situation demanded caution. I couldn't afford any missteps, not with the eyes of my enemies always watching, waiting for a moment of weakness to strike.

With a clenched jaw, I made my decision. I would handle the matter personally, ensuring that no trace of my involvement remained. As the car continued it's journey through the city's shadowy streets, my thoughts turned to the grim task ahead, my resolve unyielding in the face of danger.

As the car wound its way through the dense forest, the towering trees seemed to close in around it, casting eerie shadows that danced across the road. The mansion, a looming silhouette against the moonlit sky, emerged from the darkness like a forgotten fortress.

With a sudden lurch, the car screeched to a halt, tires skidding on the gravel driveway. My heart pounded in my chest as I flung open the door and dashed out with hurried steps, my mind racing with range.

My footsteps echoing through the grand foyer of the mansion. My face was a mask of determination, my mind focused solely on the traitor awaiting their fate in the underground basement.

Behind me, Baekhyun and Chen followed in swift succession, their expressions mirroring my intensity. Each step they took reverberated with the weight of their mission, the air thick with tension and anticipation.

As we descended the staircase leading to the basement, the air grew heavy with the scent of damp earth and musty decay. The traitor's betrayal hung like a specter in the air, fueling their resolve with every passing moment.

At last, we reached the heavy iron door that guarded their quarry. With a determined shove, They pushed it open, revealing the dimly lit chamber beyond.

In the dimly lit basement, he sat bound to a chair, his face swollen and bruised from the merciless beating he had endured. Blood trickled down his cheek, a silent testament to the betrayal that had led him to this grim fate.

Kyungsoo loomed over him, his expressions hardened with anger and disdain. He was the one who trusted him the most when he joined, but his disloyalty shattered that bond, leaving only a bitter sense of betrayal in its wake.

Kyungsoo's fists clenched with a mix of fury and betrayal as he stood before the traitor, the man he once called a friend, now bound and helpless in front of him. Memories of their shared past flashed through his mind, each one tainted by the revelation of the traitor's deceit.

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