chapter 4: fly in a web

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      When Ash uncovered his face, he saw that the room was dim and the doll was gone. Ash felt his heart pound 'where did it go?!' he wondered, panicking to himself. He looked up and around to see the lights very dim. Ash exhaled to himself, welp– now he has to worry about a toy on the loose.

He stepped back and turned around, walking out. Everything was a mess when he got to the main room, the way in was blocked off completely. "Are you fucking kidding me?!" He murmured aloud. He sighed and looked around, he noticed the shelf from before was knocked out of the way in front of that door.

He walked over to it and opened it, to reveal more of the factory. Ash huffed out and shook his head, of course he should've expected this. He sighed and walked through the door and into the factory again. He looked around the halls, seeing a Huggy painting on the wall, across from it was a dinosaur character.

Ash hummed out as he continued along. He found another set of doors, trying them both, he found they were locked. As to be expected, he sighed and walked along and saw another Huggy and dinosaur character painting.

"This way" Ash heard a sudden whisper. He perked up and looked around. "Hello?! Who said that?!" He called out. No response. Now he felt like that time he was hallucinating. He walked over to the door and read the top of it "Elliott Ludwig" he hummed out at that and tried the door. Again, locked. Ash grumbled "how many locked doors are there?!" He asked out loud.

Ash sighed as he stepped away and moved to the left. There seemed to be a door with two panels, but they were off. Ash grumbled, looks like he's gotta reroute more power. But where? He sighed and walked off, he did notice the toy with dried up blood near it, but he chose not to investigate it. He knows that these toys, or some of them maybe were experiments.

Why, he had not the slightest clue. Walking along, he went to the right, and as he walked by, he happened to notice a sort of cave in on the floor. Ash blinked and walked closer to investigate.

"Keep going..." Ash stood up "ok, I know I'm not going crazy. Who the fuck said that?!" He spoke up. There was no answer, which irked him a bit. He sighed and again shook his head. He looked around and found a handle above the cave in on the ceiling. He blinked as he aimed the hand towards the handle, he shot the hand over to it.

The hand grabbed a hold as Ash stepped back. He did a sprint and jumped as the grab pack hoisted him up and over the cave in and to the other side; releasing the hand and landing on the other side. Ash smiled "ha! First try" he told himself as he walked down the hall. He came across a cut out of Huggy. Ash blinked and looked around, not expecting a cut out.

He clocked the button "does someone need a hug?" The sound came out from the cut out, causing him to jump back. He was not expecting that to work. He shook his head, not wanting to listen to more and turned to the pile of barrels. He hummed and began to pull them away with his bare hands, it wasn't hard for him honestly, he's lifted things heavier than those barrels.

He saw a door and tested his luck. He was happy when the door opened. He stepped in and looked around. It was pretty crammed, some place he knew Blake wouldn't be fond of. He walked to the end and found this flower looking key. It was huge. Ash tilted his head and grabbed it.

Could this be the key to that door? Well, only one way to find out. He made his way out of the room and towards the hall. He swung over the caved in floor and ran towards the door. He inhaled and exhaled as he looked at the key hole. He stuck the key in the hole and turned it, the door clicked as he opened the door. The hinges squeaked as the door opened.

He looked in to see that it was an office of some sorts. He approached the desk and found a tape on it as well as a blue print and a note. Ash hummed and decided to read the note, he sat down and read out.

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