chapter 3: the encounter with Huggy

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Warning: will mention some blood and very minor gore (it's not bad, but still mentions it a bit)

       Ash ran through the hall till he got to the other side. He huffed and puffed as he turned back. Nothing was there. Ash puffed his cheek, way to be paranoid over nothing. He looked back in front of him and opened the door, there was a stairway with a TV near it.

Looks like there's another tape somewhere, Ash hummed as he walked over to the area and looked it over. He walked up the stairs and into another area. He looked around the place, it looked to be some storage unit or something. There was a massive claw above him and a way down below.

He looked across to see a container of some sort, with what looked to be another hand. Ash perked up "aha! That's the other hand I need" he spoke up out loud. But how does he get it? He looked around and found this blue device on the floor. He picked it up, looking over it curiously before he looked over at the panel nearby.

He placed the blue thing in the area it's meant to go and it clicked into place. Ash hummed and looked down seeing another one, red to be precise. He shot the hand to it and pulled it over to him. He smiled and put it on the panel as well.

He sighed and looked down, looks like he's gotta search around for the other two. He exhaled before he hopped down to the area below, letting out an "ouf-" as he landed on the ground. He began his search, he walked around some of the shelves that were toppled over and standing, when looking he found a tape. Ash perked up "ah, that's where you are" he murmured out as he grabbed it. Looking up he found the green device he needed.

He smiled and shot the hand up to it, grabbing it. He pulled it over to himself and continued looking around. He found a door..? At least, he thinks it is, it has a handle on it. He hummed and shot the hand to it, holding the trigger. Once it latched on he released and held the trigger again as the door began to be pulled open, seeing the TV on the other side.

Ash smiled and walked over to it, he placed the device down and slipped the tape in, he's got time right now. The tv was static as the audio played, a claw picture popped up on the screen "Ugh, Rich, where are they keeping the Huggy boxes? I don't know, I couldn't tell you! Remember when Maintenance last did a sweep of this place? No. Exactly! Nobody in this stupid company knows what they're doing. I swear, I haven't seen a single box in its place since they started flooding the storehouse with orphanage junk."

Ash blinked "orphanage?-" he murmered out, the tape continued to play "Right... I get it, it's a nice program and all, on-brand, but *sigh* It's just hard to be happy when Manufacturing is on OUR NECKS about it, 'cause we can't find stupid Huggy boxes! Rich... *sigh* You're right... You're right... It's.. It's for the orphans... I just wish there were less boxes. Anything less would be more abidable. - Is- is that even a word? Abidable." The tape stopped as Ash looked up confused.

"Orphanage? Hu?" He wondered. He shook his head and he wandered back into the storage unit. He needed to find this last device quickly. He began looking around as he uncovered some areas and looked underneath places. Though, he couldn't shake off the feeling, he was being watched.

He shook his head and looked at a pile of boxes, finding the yellow device he needed. He smiled and shot the hand grabbing it and pulling it to him. He nodded at himself and walked away, through the door again. He grabbed the green one that he had set down and walked up the stairs. He walked down the platform, but he halted to a stop as he saw what looked to be, something familiar staring at him from the vents.

It looked to be Huggy, but only seconds later did the head disappear and the vent shut. Ash felt his heart stop, was that Huggy?! Was he hallucinating?! No, he couldn't have been that time. Was Huggy somehow alive..? Ash sighed as he shook his head. There is no time to think about that. He walked over to the panel and placed the green and yellow device in the panel.

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