Chapter 2: a tight squeeze

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         Ash screamed as he fell through the portal, it seemed to almost never end. That was, until he finally landed down on the ground. Ash grunted out as he slowly picked himself up, he rubbed his head in pain as his vision began to clear up. He looked up and around to see that he was inside of a building.

It looked abandoned and messy. Ash looked around in confusion, it smelled awful; like death itself. 'god- where am I? What happened here?' he wondered to himself. Ash was still kneeled to the floor, so he decided to try to connect to the earth around him, to see if he was alone.

He closed his eyes to concentrate and placed his hands on the floor. But, nothing. He felt nothing, in fact, he wasn't doing what he was trying to do. Ash's eye snapped open as he looked down 'what the- why isn't my magic working?!' he wondered starting to panic.

His mind went blank as the questions flew in his head, why wasn't anything working?! He could still feel his magic, just that– it was being blocked away in a sense. Once that thought crossed his mind, a memory flashed in his head

Flash back

Ash looked up to the many worlds as Galactica presented them to him. He stared in awe of them all, Galaxy chuckled at his enthusiasm "now Asher, pay attention" she called out to him. Ash glanced up at her and nodded. She extended her hand as a presentation flashed in front of them.

Ash focused up and looked as three lines separated the jumble of stars "now Asher, as you can see here, these are all of the galaxy's places into three sections" she pointed to the far right "that is section A, that's where majority of the worlds reside in. Like Asteria for example"

Ash nodded at her, she pointed to the one next to it "this is section B, this is the section Fell's world resides in. All the multiverses and alternate worlds lie" Ash blinked in fascination "so, if I go there I could possibly run into an alternate version of myself?" He asked. She nodded "yeah, but try not to think about that, since the only times you'll go there is for Fell's world. Which, even if they are alternate worlds, they are completely different. I'm gonna have to look into that" (yes, that is part of my undertale AU).

Ash nodded and looked at the last section, he pointed to it "what about that one?" He asked. Galactica looked up at it and grimaced "that is section C, the most dangerous section for us..." She said. Ash glanced at her confused "what do you mean?" He asked.

She sighed and looked at him "section C is a group of worlds that revolve in the horror franchises" she paused as she collected her words together "in this section there's a strange force that blocks any magic from users who use magic, it's a section that I and Hellflame don't even step in to. It can block anyone's powers, no matter their status" she explained to him.

Ash looked up in shock and horror "so... If the Bois and I got sent to one of the worlds there..." He stopped himself. She nodded "you'd have to rely on your wits and raw strength alone, nothing else can help you, though I am able to make special crystals from my blood to get past there and back, it's very limited. It wouldn't be like your stones that can reform after being destroyed, once they open a portal and close, that's it. No do overs" she explained yet again.

Ash nodded "I understand" he replied. She nodded "good, you may inform her Bois about this section if you please, it might come in handy for them to know" she told him. He nodded "thank you madam" he then kneeled to one knee, placing his other hand on his bent knee and placed his fist right between his shoulder and collar bone. (That's how the Bois or past guardians bowed to her).

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