Chapter 1: The start of disaster

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This chapter will be really long, so buckle in y'all

        The day nearly began as the sun rose from its peak. The early rays of daylight began to shine through a window into a room, where two boys laid peacefully; sleeping in each other's grasps. The sunlight began to peak on one of the boys eyes.

The eyes gripped themselves shut before the boy held his hand out, using a potted plant, growing a vine, closing the curtains. Relaxing back into bed as he hugged the other closer to him. The boy felt himself growing more and more awake afterwards; given the light shining in his eyes from before.

His eyes finally poked out in the very dimly lit room as the sun's rays poked through the curtains as best as possible. This boy was Ash, who was finally waking up. He stretched his arms as he yawned out, he blinked a few times as his vision adjusted to the dimly lit room, pretty dark and blurred out at first. Once cleared he looked down to see a bundle of blue hair; the rest buried in his chest.

Ash smiled warmly, his boyfriend- Brook had spent the night at his place. It had been a month since the events of him being kidnapped by an intergalactic enemy- Hellflame. Afterwards, Ash finally got to tell his friends about his big secret, that was him being a guardian of the multiverse, under the leadership of the Goddess and protector of the worlds and multiverse; Galactica.

Though they were mad at him for keeping such a secret, they understood that it wasn't his choice, he had to keep it secret- he was basically following orders by Galaxy to keep it silent to them. Ash hummed happily as he nuzzled into the boy's hair; inhaling the scent that covered him.

He smiled out as he kissed the top of his head. He layed there relaxing for about an hour and a half, just waiting to see when his man would wake up. He looked over at the alarm clock to look at the time. It was currently 9:58 am, if they were gonna meet up with their friends later, it's best they get up now.

Ash looked back at the boy who was snuggled up to him like a puppy, Ash nudged him "babe" he spoke up, his voice slightly crooked out as he was finally using his voice. Brook- as expected, didn't flinch, didn't react, or move. Ash chuckled and began to gently shake him "Brook, love" Ash spoke up again, this time his voice was louder.

Brook that time did move, but he buried his face even more, he groaned out a bit and mumbled something, Ash could only guess that he said "five more minutes" or something long those lines. Ash huffed out of amusement. He shook him again, but even more "come on babe, we gotta get up if we are going to meet up with the others"

Brook only hummed out, but didn't budge. Ash sighed again "Brook, wakey wakey" he said shaking him a little more. Brook only turned away from him. Ash huffed out and chuckled shaking his head 'looks like I gotta take the next measure I know will for sure wake him up' he thought to himself.

Ash sat up and shook him again "Brook if you don't get up I'll have to take a different measure to get you up" he said warning him. Brook didn't flinch, didn't react, nothing. Ash chuckled, Brook must've thought he was bluffing. Before Brook knew it, Ash began to tickle his on his ticklish spots.

Only a few seconds later did Brook start reacting. Brook sorta jumped and turned to him "Ash- Ash!" Brook shouted in sudden shock as he tried fighting him off. "Ash, get off! Ash. Asher!" He shouted before he suddenly gave in and began laughing out loud. Ash too, began laughing as he and Brook fought and laughed.

The two eventually stopped, Brook being fully awake now (well- not fully awake, but awake enough to not go back to sleep) glanced up at Ash as he straddled over him "morning" he said to him flashing his signature smile. Brook rolled his eyes and hummed out "hey, now that you had your fun I wanna get back to sleep" Brook said.

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