Chapter 6

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"Do you know what it's like to have security cameras everywhere? You know, even though they were humans, it was recorded and it traveled by voice and they had every opportunity to cut my wings every time I could fly higher. It's a sickening prison and if asked what they could do to change my destiny, they became voiceless. I just hope that I can be free from this prison and have people to support me. It's a toxic positivity in every way they could dig inside your brain." Kyle told me after we were bombarded by paparazzi earlier when we got out of our hotel.

We thought at first, it was not for him. Because Kyle is still not a very well-known actor. But that also doesn't mean that he is not being followed everywhere. This happened 2 years ago when a paparazzi followed him after our taekwondo class and his father forgot to pick us up, so we had to take a bus to go home. And it was a traumatizing experience for us, we were only 9 years old at that time. Kyle held my hand very hard at that time so we wouldn't get apart from each other. I told Kyle at that time that we shouldn't go home, because he'll know where he lived. So what we did was we went to a police station and waited for his father to pick us up. That paparazzi told him/us a lot of things, some were just over the line personal, and Kyle felt he was a product at that time. So when we got home he went straight into their house and didn't go outside of his bedroom for a day. His parents had to ask me to talk to him, so I did.

"I am sorry if you have to do this Charlotte, I know you were also traumatized but we know that you were the only one who could talk to Kyle." his mom asked me while she was talking to me in my bedroom. I then looked in my window to Kyle's window and his curtains were closed, which they usually are not. Because he said, it's another way we could still have a connection.

I looked at Kyle's mom and nodded

Then she hugged me and said thank you

As I went to their house, Auntie Grace left me to do it alone so we could have our space. That's how trust Auntie Grace gave me that day, and when I was given that huge responsibility as a 10-year-old, I didn't waste it.

"We will wait for the two of you in the kitchen. Thank you again Charlotte for doing this," she said and gave me a kiss in the crown of my head before she let me go.

I stood outside of Kyle's bedroom and gave it two knocks.

"'s're best friend. Please let me to me...Kyle...Please...I need you..." I whispered into his bedroom door, just enough for the two of us could hear.

After I said it he then opened his door looking miserable. He let me in and once I was inside his bedroom he closed it. His bedroom was dark and cold, it was untouchable except for his bed. He had just been lying in his bed the whole time.

He then hugged me. This time his hug is completely different from the usual one he usually gives me every time we see each other. It was an apologetic hug. A kind of hug where he was scared and needed comfort. So that's what I did, I gave him a comforting hug that everything was going to be fine and that he was not alone and I was here for him.

I could feel his tears on my shoulders, flowing down my back. I could also hear him sobbing. I caressed his back and waited for him to speak up his thoughts. When he did, I listened.

"I am sorry Charlotte...I am sorry...I am sorry...I am sorry..." he said while still sobbing, so this whole time...

He was sorry for me?


"I am sorry I couldn't protect you enough...I am sorry for not being careful..." he hugged me even closer, it's like his way of protecting me more than he was when was not able to.

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