Chapter 74

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They reached Suyan's house. And yeah. Still holding hands.

Suyan: I'll go then....

Sam: yeah. Go on. And eat well in dinner too. Don't skip meals. okay?

Suyan: fine....

Suyan was about to walk off when she finally realised that they are still holding hands.

Suyan: wait! We were holding hands all this time!? (Shocked)

Sam: yeah. We were.

Suyan: I'm so sorry!

Sam: why are you sorry? I liked it. (Took Suyan's hand and kissed her hand) How about you?

Suyan: that..... (Blushing) why would you suddenly kiss me!?

Sam: sorry. Couldn't help it...

Suyan: jeez...

Sam: so? Do you liked it too? (Looking at her eyes)

Suyan: that..... I'll get going now!

Suyan run off fast as much as she could and went inside.

Sam: hey! Wait! Suyan! Did you run away again!? (Pouting)

After some time Suyan got out of the house and came to Sam again....

Suyan: well.... Sorry.... (Avoiding eye contact) I shouldn't have left suddenly.....

Sam: at least that hit you.

Suyan: d-don't ark me those questions..... I feel weird when you do that..... (Still not looking)

Sam: (chuckles) fine. I won't.

Suyan just nods in response while still not looking at him with eyes

Sam: I'll get going now.

Suyan: yeah... Take care. (Still not looking)

Sam: hey.... Suyan....

Suyan: yeah. Say.

Sam: are you not going to look at me even once?

Suyan: that..... Fine (finally looked at him in eyes)

Sam: that's goo.....

Suddenly blushing again now that she actually looked

Sam: I'll get going now.

Suyan: wait. Come inside for a bit first.

Sam: h-huh?

Meanwhile Dia

Dia was going home when she stopped in the conversation center to buy some ice cream

And suddenly got a call. Which was from Mimi

Dia: huh? Mimi? Did she know something? (A bit tensed)

Dia hesitately received the call

Dia: hello?

Mimi: hey. Dia. You home?

Dia: huh? Why?

Mimi: gosh I saw a set in the mall. And it feels like it belongs to you. Tell me your size. I'm buying it!

Dia: huh? So suddenly?

Mimi: well. It just looked like it would look good on someone tall like you. Can't I?

Dia: aw. Sweety (touched) actually just wait there. I'm near the mall anyways. I'll come

Sunmy took the phone from Mimi

Sunmy: Don't you dare be late!

Dia: fine fine.

Dia started walking out of the convention store while eating the ice cream and looking at her phone.

Dia: my friends are the cutest (smiling on her own)

As Dia was looking at her phone, she suddenly bumped into someone and both fell backwards.

Dia: shit! Who the... (Was about to get angry but stopped when she saw his face) Well..... I'm sorry.....

????: it's okay. (a grin appeared in his face)

Dia saw that her ice cream has stained his gray shirt

Dia: oh shit! I'm sorry! Let me just....

Dia pulled out a tissue from her pocket and started wiping the ice cream off.

????: Woh! Slow down beauty. You don't need to go that far.

Dia: huh? (Got her hands off him) Right right. You must feel uncomfortable.

????: it's okay. (got up)

Dia: let me just pay for the laundry (got up and pulled her purse out of her pocket)

????: no. It's fine.

Dia: no no. Let me just pay. I stained it after all.

????: I said it's okay. Right? Seeing a beauty like you pays for the damage. (He walked away with a grin)

And Dia was left speechless alone.

Dia: huh? Was he flirting with me?

Dia shoved back her purse in her pocket

Dia: shit. I'm late. And I couldn't even finish the ice cream...! (Dramatically)

Saying so Dia start walking fast in the shopping mall's direction.

At the shopping mall.

Mimi and Sunmy were waiting for her at the gate.

Sunmy: right. You came soo fast (said sarcastically)

Dia: hehe. Something just happened. Forgive me.

Mimi: what happened which took you so long? It's been half an hour already!

Dia: something did happen. I bumped into a handsome guy. He seemed to flirt with me.....

Mimi: wait. What? Really?

Sunmy: spit the tea.

Dia: if you forgive me. (Playfully)

Mimi: fine. We are done forgive. Now split.

Dia: okay okay. Let's start walking. I'll tell in the way.

They went to the store for Dia to try that clothe as Dia kept talking about the incident

Mimi: wait. So he just flirted with you that casually?!

Dia: what can we say. Maybe it's just his figure of talking.

Sunmy: try this one too (handing a clothe) but why did you try so much anyways. Ice-cream stains go off quick.

Dia: I just wanted to talk with him... He was handsome. (Laughing)

Mimi: jeez. You really are something. (Narrowing her eyes)

Dia: but really. It's a bad thing that such a handsome man Is a stranger (pouting)

Mimi: aw. Don't be sad. You'll meet him again if in fate. (Patting Dia's shoulder)

Sunmy: you two can stop the drama now. Go try the clothes.

Dia: right right. And yeah. This really looks like will suit me.

Mimi: told ya. Now go try. We'll try on some clothes too as we are already here.

Dia: right. we should.

The three of them kept shopping and visiting different malls together after that too.

Author: typical situation if girls go to mall together lol.

To be continued.....

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