Chapter 42

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While making the breakfast

Sam: well... Arish...

Arish: what?

Sam: do people like.... Dream more vivid when they drink?

Arish: it's my first time drinking too. Try contacting Aden maybe.

Sam: oh...

Arish: why do you ask anyway?

Sam: well... I had a.... Nice dream last night (blushing hard)

Arish: w-why are you blushing like that? What did you even dream about?!?

Sam: nothing (smile)

They made the breakfast and everyone is currently eating it.

Sam: how is it??

Suyan: what can be so special about french toast?

Sam: hey! Everything is a art!!

Suyan: Yeah. Right. Sorry.

Dia: it's good!!

Aden: yeah it is.

Seb: he cooks for us often. He's such a cute potato.

Arish: then just cut him and make fries maybe??

Jenna: don't be rude!!

Suyan: right right.

Mimi: you were meaner a second ago.

Suyan: look look. Already defending him??

Mimi: I'm not defending him! I'm just telling the truth!

Sam: it's okay. I like it when she's mean.

Suyan: that's a creepy thing to say.....

Sam: hehe.

Mimi whispering to Dia: why do i like them so much??

Dia: I know right?

Sunmy: just eat everyone! No talk while eat.

Dia: just let them naa! I will miss all this.

Jenna: aww. We'll miss you even more.

Dia: right na? (Starts kissing each others cheeks)

Arish: aren't yall like.... A bit too touchy??

All the girls: shut up bitch!!

Seb: how can he be a bitch? (laughing)

Dia: okay. Let me go now. My flight is in an hour.

Suyan: what do you mean by "let me go"?

Dia: y'all don't have to go

Jenna: ain't no way bitch!!

Mimi: what the fuck are you thinking about??

Sunmy: no way we'll leave you alone!!

Dia: please girls!! I won't be able to handle that. I might not even be able to go.

Mimi: that's nonesence!! We can't do that.

Dia: no. Don't come. I told my family to not come too. I won't be able to let go....

Mimi: well... Only cause you're begging like that.....

Dia: yeah. Please

Sunmy: aww sweety! Give us a huggy.

They all started hugging together.

The boys be like: are we invisible? (  =_=')

*Yes they are to them now*

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