Chapter 84

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And Suyan finally reached the hospital

Suyan: What's the gender! (Bursting though the door dramatically)

Mimi: it's a she.

Suyan: yes! (Happy)

Arish: why that sudden joy?

Suyan: well. If she's a girl, I can gift her more type of things.

Aden: right right

Arish: as If boys can't be gifted!?

Suyan: Mimi. Tell your boyfriend to shut that mouth! I don't wanna fight in our first niece's birthday. (Trying to stay calm)

Joy: shut up you two!

Mimi: I'm so tired of them (rubbing her forehead in frustration)

Dia: let's go see the baby.

Seb: yeah! Let's go!

They went to see the new born baby.

After a month

In this while, the new baby has grown to be one month old. Tho nobody in Sunmy's house know about the baby and she isn't getting much love from there, but Sunmy's all of the friends are pampering the baby so much. She is literally filled with gifts already.

Here's the gift list

Mimi- A cute pink cret

Suyan- Dresses of her aesthetic. So that the baby grows more to be like her

Seb- bunch of baby oil bottles so the baby stays healthy

Arish- a gold coin and golden spoon so that she can say that she was born with gold spoon in her mouth when grown up

Aden- air cleaner. So that the baby breaths clean air.

Jenna- Cute pillow set

Joy- a bunch of diapers. She thought that's the most important

Sam- another golden spoon lol

Dia- dresses of her aesthetic so that the baby grows to pick her style more (lol. Competition between Suyan and Dia)

And tomorrow, Sunmy's vacation ends. So Suyan arranged a meeting with everyone

In the group chat


You drunk?


Again with your prank?

Stop attacking her!!


Shut the fuck y'all!
In Mimi's house

Why the!
Let's just go everyone

So they all are here at Mimi's house now. And after playing with a baby for a while, they finally started the meeting

Dia: so? What is it? (A bit annoyed cause she was sleeping and Suyan called called them out)

Suyan: i hope y'all remember that Sunmy's vacation ends tomorrow?

Sam: right. We do.

Sunmy: so?

Suyan: but still didn't think how she'll take care of the baby now?

Sam: oh! Right! That's a huge concern!

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