Chapter 33

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After 4 months

Author: Yes. This four months were all about them preparing for the exam, attending it, and getting the results. And as y'all know. I'm not that bad to Show you so much of pain.

So let me explain where they got chances.

So Sunmy got chance into a med college. And yeah. She blocked Hayme's number and Hayme didn't know she lives right on his opposite. And she was very careful that he doesn't get to know too.

Mimi, Suyan, Jenna, Sam are in the same uni. And fortunately or unfortunately their department's are same too.

And Joy, Seb, Aden, Arish are in the same uni. Yeah. Their department's are different

And both universities are not so far away. Well... Sunmy's med college is a bit far.

After the freshman festival, today is their first day of university.

At Sunmy and Mimi's house

Mimi: Sunmy! Are you ready? Sunmy!!! I'll drop you to the bus stop!

(Opening the door)

Mimi: hey. Why are you holding that big of a bag?

Sunmy: I..... I'm going home....

Mimi: drop the joke! aren't you already home.

Sunmy: I'm going to visit mother and father.

Mimi: but it's the first day of uni! Won't you go? And I heard med college are strict...

Sunmy: I.... Really need to go! It's important....

Mimi: you should go if it's important........ But try to return fast.

Sunmy: yeah.

Mimi: um! I'll be home alone~~

Sunmy: don't be sad.

Mimi: gimme a hug. (Opening her arms)

Sunmy: yeah (opening arm)

(They had a warm hug)

They got out the house together

(Sunmy waring mask)

Mimi: you are still serious about Corona I see....

Author: no she isn't. She's serious about not getting cough

Sunmy: y-yeah....

Going down together, Sunny went to the bus stop near. And Mimi went for university.

Meanwhile Joy.

Joy's mom: you are already late girl! You know your house is far away. And you have to take two buses straight!

Joy's father: don't worry dear, everything will be fine.

Jly: okay. Gotta go

Joy left for university.

Meanwhile Dia

Author: oh yeah. She doesn't have to go to uni today. Cause she'll go to PH after a week.

Dia: this is.......... Irritating!!!! Ahhh!!!!! Why isn't he contacting me!!!! That jer......

(Suddenly stop)

Dia: no Dia. Don't panic. He's just busy maybe. It's his birthday coming anyway. So let's just bear it. Clam down

(Deep breath)

Dia: anyway. Let's text him



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