Chapter 30

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At Mimi's house

Dia: Joy! Tie him in the chair with rope. Tightly!

Joy: okay~

Seb: umumiumiuiim!!

Suyan: shut up!

Joy went and tied Seb in the chair.

Dia: and untie his mouth and eyes now.

Joy: okay okay.

Joy went and open Seb's mouth and eyes.

Seb: why would someone kidnap me!! What did I do!!

Joy: think that yourself. What you did and why we kidnapped you!

Seb: but...... who are y'all???

Suyan: huh. Look at him! Just look. At. Him! Doesn't even know his girlfriend's friends!!!

Joy: sure he doesn't want to know us!

Mimi: yeah. Maybe..... Cause he doesn't want to spend money on us...?

Seb: y'all are...... Jenna's friends!

Mimi: why? How many girlfriends do you have to look this confused?

Seb: no.....

Suyan: then what! Your confidence tells that there is something wrong!

Seb: no..... Just that....... Jenna is really...... Different from y'all.....

Author: She isn't. She just acts nicer in front of him. She's literally the same

Suyan: you mean what?

Seb: she's polite and cute......

Suyan: Dia! I think we should bring the belt. The leather one!

Sam quickly came to Suyan.

Sam: master!! Please spare my friend! He is just too nevie!

Seb: you!! You are with them too!

Sam: shut up! You want to be hit by belt? Be polite!!

Seb: not like..... She can hit me for real.....

Sam: what the hell are you saying??? Saw Aden's nose bleed? She did that (pointing Suyan) and.. your girlfriend... And saw Arish's lip trowned  apart in two?? She did it!(pointing Mimi)

Seb: w-what....

Mimi: n-no I....

Dia bringing the belt.

Suyan: oh. The belt is here!

Dia: but I'll do this honour.

Mimi: lemme few times too!

Sam: sure you weren't there during the trip! You don't even know this girls!

Seb: okay.... But..... Why did you kidnap me!!

Mimi: cause you didn't kiss our Jenna till now!

Seb: that.......

Suyan: maybe he is already tired of kissing his other girls!

Seb: no! I only love Jenna!

Joy: then why don't you kiss her!

Dia: maybe he's just passing time. That's why he's not kissing her.

Seb: no! I'm just......

Mimi: you're just.....?

Seb: I..... Haven't kiss anyone..... Till now..... I'm..... Afraid that..... I'll mess up...... I'm just too shy to kiss her!!

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