Chapter 36

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Joy: can you sit with Sam please? (Whispering to Suyan)

Suyan: why?

Joy: Jenna will sit with Seb. And I want to..... Sit with.....

Suyan: Aden.

Joy: yeah.

Suyan: so I and Mimi will sit together. That's it.

Joy: don't you understand?

Suyan: what?

Joy: there is something between them.

Suyan: yeah. I know.

Joy: you know! I knew you are not that fool.

Suyan: what's there not to understand. There is a fight between them. (Confident)

Joy: what. You really!! They like each other!! Don't you see.

Suyan: but.... I don't want to sit with him.

Joy: don't you want to see your friends with a boyfriend? Don't you? Hum?

Suyan: no I don't!

Joy: hey! Just agree already!

Suyan: Okay. Treat me a 7 up them. (7 up is a cold drink)

Joy: deal.

So here they are sitting with each other

Sam: huh! Are you sitting with me? How nice!

Suyan: shut Up...

Sam: don't me mean. Can't you see I'm happy?

Mimi: why did you make me sit with this guy!

Arish: I'm the one regretting it! And move your bag from here!

Mimi: why don't you move yours!

Arish: no you.

Mimi: no you! (Pushing the bag thought Arish)

Arish: how dare you!

(Pushing his bag thought Mimi)

Mimi: you....! Take this.

(Throwing her bag thought Arish)

Arish: you too.

(Throwing his bag thought Mimi)

Suyan: ah!!! (shouting)

Arish: s-sorry ma'am.....

In Mimi's mind: he's scared of her too.

Suyan: are you dogs?

Mimi: why would you say that!!

Suyan: cause you two are fighting like one.

Arish: ugh!!

Mimi: hey Jannat! What to order?

Jenna: just choose something. And something that will fill our stomach.

Mimi: Oki.

Suyan: I'm tired. Let's just go na!!

Joy: don't be so mean girl.

Suyan: I ain't being mean...

Mimi: waiter!

After the food arrived.

Seb: Here.

(Transferring his food to Jenna's plate)

Seb: eat more.

(Pat in head)

Jenna: yeah.

In Joy's mind: I should too.

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