With this idea in mind, my wife Zenitsu couldn't help showing thoughts and a subtle pity on her face, and then she said:

"But you don't have the teachings of your sister, so maybe you don't know much about this common sense? Think about it. I think you are very pitiful, so I won't hold you accountable for yelling at me. Since it's all me, it doesn't make any difference if I teach you - this is because we are one person. It’s a privilege.”

Zenitsu Gatma from the Demon Slayer Squad: “…”

The Golden Retriever from the Demon Slayer Squad suddenly showed a twisted expression as if he had bitten his tongue.

"Sister's teachings"... What a shame this guy is still so proud that he has his sister's teachings. Is there really nothing wrong with the kind of teachings about emptying the magazine with a smile at his brother without any warning? There's a big problem! Who is the poor one among them? ! Is there something wrong with this guy's head? Even his thinking has been poisoned to the point where he is no longer the same as a normal person! ! !


Zenitsu, the Demon Slayer's wife, started to speak, but hesitated to speak. Finally, with a particularly complicated expression, she put her hand on her other self's shoulder and sighed heavily.

"Obviously I am already very unlucky and can easily die, but I didn't expect that my other self would be even worse off than me... Forget it, there is something wrong with your brain. Since you are so pitiful, I will forgive you for your wrong common sense, so from now on Let me teach you."

Zenitsu from my wife's family said: "?"

He hadn't figured out why the two of them suddenly swapped the roles of teaching and being taught in the mouth of his other self, but it was still relatively urgent at the moment. The situation left little opportunity for the two of them to quarrel, and just for a short while when the two of them quarreled, the train that was originally moving smoothly suddenly seemed to encounter something, and there was a sudden jolt, causing the train to tremble. The guys who were leaning on the seats and sleeping with their heads hanging down fell to the ground.

Moreover, at the same time that their bodies fell firmly to the ground, the train directly above the two Zenitsu had been unknowingly covered with a layer of blood-red flesh, and it cracked without any warning at this moment. There was a short gap, then a "chirp" sound, and a strange pupil with "下一" engraved on the iris opened.

The two guys with unusual hearing sensed that something was wrong almost at the same time. After all, such a special sound so close at hand was like setting off firecrackers in the ears for the two human sonar, so the two Zenitsu Zenitsu raised their heads almost subconsciously. They all looked at the eyeballs growing out of the strange flesh and blood.

In addition to using tickets as a medium to pull humans into dreams, Nightmare's vampire technique can also make awake people fall into a deep sleep without any warning through sight. Nightmare, who had just realized that he had been killed by a knife in his dream, suddenly I realized that I might have encountered a tough problem this time.

Although Nightmare was already at the highest position in the lower string before he obtained more blood of the Ghost King, a lot of common sense is relatively common, both for humans and ghosts. Nightmare whose skill points are in the spiritual realm will be better when faced head-on. In terms of the enemy's combat capabilities, it may be relatively bleak.

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