Chapter 26: Unstoppable

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The clash between Issei and Cao Cao seemed inevitable in the battlefield's silence. The air crackled with anticipation, and the weight of their respective powers hung heavy in the atmosphere.

Suddenly, without warning, Cao Cao lunged forward with incredible speed, his spear aimed directly at Issei's heart. Issei reacted swiftly, sidestepping the attack with fluid grace, narrowly avoiding the lethal strike.

As Cao Cao pressed his assault, Issei countered with a powerful thrust of the Unstoppable Spear. The spear sliced through the air with unparalleled speed, aiming for Cao Cao's head with deadly accuracy.

However, Cao Cao's enhanced reflexes allowed him to block Issei's attack, bringing up his spear at the last moment. But, the moment Issei's spear hit Cao Cao's own, Cao Cao was pushed back with tremendous force, sending the Hero flying backwards at high speeds.

Cao Cao skidded across the battlefield, struggling to regain his footing after the powerful clash. The Unstoppable Spear's concept of an unstoppable force lived up to its name, demonstrating its ability to push Cao Cao back despite his enhanced strength. The ground where Issei thrust the spear cracked and splintered from the power of the Unstoppable Spear

Noticing that True Longinus was still in one piece despite taking a direct hit from his spear, Issei pondered, "His spear is still in one piece? I guess it's stronger than I give it credit for."

Issei, maintaining his stance, observed Cao Cao's reaction to the power of the Unstoppable Spear. The black and gold weapon had proven effective, showcasing its ability to push even someone as formidable as Cao Cao with its unstoppable force.

Cao Cao, recovering from the impact, glared at Issei with frustration and determination. The seven orbs surrounding him showed renewed intensity, signifying his unwavering resolve to continue the battle.

"Interesting choice of weapon, Hyoudou. However, don't think for a moment that a mere spear can decide the outcome of our battle," Cao Cao remarked, his voice filled with arrogance and defiance. With a swift motion, he unleashed a barrage of attacks using the abilities granted by his Balance Breaker.

The orange orb, Wheel Treasure, glowed brightly as Cao Cao swung his True Longinus, aiming for the Unstoppable Spear. The orb met Issei's spear, but to Cao Cao's shock, the orb was deflected away effortlessly; the same orb supposed to destroy weapons couldn't destroy the spear that Issei wielded.

Responding to Cao Cao's remark, "It's ironic coming from you." Issei's words cut through the tension of the battlefield, his tone devoid of emotion as he faced Cao Cao. The Unstoppable Spear twirled in his hand with practised ease, its black and gold design shimmering with latent power.

As the orange orb failed to fulfil its intended purpose, Cao Cao's eyes widened in disbelief. The Unstoppable Spear effortlessly deflected the Wheel Treasure, showcasing the potency of its concept. Issei's retort added a layer of irony to the situation, highlighting the unexpected turn of events.

Seizing the opportunity presented by the unexpected deflection, Cao Cao activated the purple orb, Horse Treasure. Instantly, he disappeared from his current position, reappearing with blinding speed right before Issei. The sudden teleportation caught Issei briefly off guard, demonstrating Cao Cao's strategic prowess.

Cao Cao's right eye started glowing yellow, indicating that he planned to use Medusa's eye to turn Issei into stone.

"He doesn't have his Scale Mail activation; nothing is saving him from the petrification," Cao Cao thinks darkly.

However, to his shock, Issei activated his Balance Breaker at the last moment. Issei's Scale Mail started in a burst of red light, forming a protective armour around him just as Cao Cao attempted to use Medusa's eye.

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