Human War

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I snapped my teeth out of her neck, painting the inside of my mouth with what I had left of her blood. I looked down and watched as her eyes fluttered closed, as she succumbed to the overwhelming fatigue.

I had taken too much from her. A surge of regret clawed at the edges of my consciousness, a visceral acknowledgment of the boundary I had crossed. I never lost control, not like that.

But it had been almost impossible to stop. Every inch of me was lit on fire, aching for another taste of her crimson gold. She stirred in my arms, the sound of her chains clanging against each other in the air.

As she continued to slip into unconsciousness, I scowled at the fragility of her mortal existence.

A weak groan escaped her lips while she slowly moved her slitted eyes up and down my face. That groan turned into a high pitched whine, her face and lips forming a pained filled grimace. I could feel her bones, and as I looked her over I noticed the bruises and the scars that lined her body.

"Fucking weak thing." I muttered under my breath, realizing that if I took her home, I would be committing myself to taking care of her. She would die if no one looked after her, she's a human, I expected nothing else.

The chains that bound her to the wall seemed redundant, and with an impatient yank, I tore them away, the sound echoing through the chamber. Her limp form felt weightless in my arms as I gathered her, her slight form cradled against my chest.

"Your M-Majesty." The owner was waiting outside the door as I stepped out.

"I'm taking her." I stated, not caring to look over my shoulder while I walked us toward Andras.

He frowned, then his eyes widened in surprise before he stood up from the table, joining me on my walk out of the bar.

"Is she dead?" Andras looked over to her, trying to look at her eyes. But her head leaned too far back for him to see.

"No. I drank too much."

Andras' eyes widened,."You lost control?"

"Yes." I growled, annoyed at his game of twenty questions.

"Huh." He mused, "Her blood was that good?"

I didn't answer him and instead kept my focus forward as we walked.

"Mind if I have a taste of her?"

I shrugged my shoulders to fake nonchalance. Inside me, however, was a painful tug in my stomach. "Sure, once she gets better."

Andras and I always shared humans. Why should this be any different?

The night enveloped us as we traversed the streets back to the palace, my senses attuned to the shadows that whispered among us.

Soon enough, the grandeur of the palace stood before us.

As soon as we walked through the front door, Loxer, my loyal attendant, came up to us and immediately bowed, "Your Majesty, welcome home."

As he stood up straight, his eyes widened when looked at the woman in my arms. His gaze shifted to Andras before his dark eyes landed on me.

"She'll be replacing Sara." I pushed her into his arms.

He took her without hesitation, though he pressed his lips together, his nostrils flaring.

"Make sure she is washed and given something to eat, she lost a lot of blood."

Loxer looked down at her, trying to touch her as little as possible while carrying her, "W-what would you like me to do with Sara?"

I shrugged my shoulders, my eyes glued to the frail woman in his arms, "Kill her, burn her. I don't care."

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