A King's Thirst

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The echo of his words resonated in the depths of my mind, an unwelcome intrusion that stirred the continuous embers of my rage. Another royal fool, dared to disturb my solitude with the audacity of his proposal.

Marry his daughter? Did he take me for a desperate pup, seeking alliances to solidify my reign?

I needed none of that.

I was the King of Qemond. The strongest Vampire Kingdom in the world.

Holmes was a fly that did nothing but annoy me. That he thought I could be tempted by his daughter was an offense.

Andras caught up to me, my steps fast and hard against the cobblestone.

"What did the messenger say?"

"Holmes wants me to marry his daughter," I scoffed, irritated and angry at the request that was just made of me.


"A pitiful attempt to grow his kingdom, no doubt. He treats me as if I were some subordinate yearning for scraps of power," I grunted, my lips lifting to form a scowl.

Andras raised his eyebrow, tilting his body to look at me more directly, "Really? Is she pretty at least-"

I growled, wrapping my hand around his neck, pushing him against the wall. He knew I wouldn't kill him just as much as I knew I wouldn't kill him, but he still annoyed the fuck out of me.

"I'm not marrying her." I threw him to the side, and he laughed as he coughed his voice back to life.

He rubbed his neck with a smirk, "Alright, I won't mention it again."

"I won't be a pawn in vampire politics."

My fangs ached to sink into the someone's neck, and I winced, my head throbbing and my eyes sinking deeper into a painful despair.

"You need to feed, don't you?" He sighed, almost annoyed.

"Yes, Andras. Can you shut the fuck up now so we can go?" I shook my head, heading toward the only bar I frequented in the village.

It sat at the outskirts, just behind our wall, making it a favorite among travelers and friends alike. As soon as we stepped inside, the scent of blood had my fangs elongating.

"Your Majesty." A waitresses bowed slightly, opening up the way toward a quiet and lonely table in the dark, back corner of the establishment.

I sat down quickly asking for two cups of blood and settled my elbow on the table to slowly massage my temples.

Andras sat in front of me with a huff. "When was the last time you drank?"

"Can't fucking remember. All these fucking meetings today have been draining."

The waitress returned with two cups of liquid gold and softly placed them in front of us. "Here you are, let me know if you need anything else, Your Majesty."

She walked away with a quick bow, probably eager to get away from us.

Power begets fear, and I was the most powerful in the realm. They saw me as a force to be reckoned with, a figure who cast a shadow even in the darkest corners of their dreams. In their eyes, I was a threat, even if I was their king.

I took a quick sip from my cup, little did I know that within that cup was a revelation that would cascade upon me like an unrelenting storm.

"What the fuck?" Andras put down his cup, shaking the table with his strength.

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