Part-7) Memories of Old an New

Start from the beginning

I walked away deciding to go see what Rudy was doing As I walked for a bit stopping by the library seeing him putting his fave deeply into the pages of the book "Better not disturb" he whispered to himself as he left his brother to do his brotherly reading I walked outside preferring it the inside as I took a walk by a barn as I saw Eris laying on a pile of hay

I approached her and saw that she was asleep her snores reached my ears which made me chuckle a bit as I went to go wake her up I gently tapped her shoulder as her eyes opened up slowly as I saw her red jeweled eyes stare into mines "Hello Sleepy hea-" before I could finish I felt a fist slam into my jaw as I felt my head whip up as I stumbled back as a groan left my mouth as I rubbed the under side of my jaw bone as I turned to look at Eris who had a look anger

"Geez pretty grumpy when you wake up huh" I managed to get out as I heard a loud huff escape her before she spoke "Why did you disturb my sleep" She spoke with authority which made a vein bulge from his forehead "You have a sleeping quarters for a reason and sleeping outside is quite a spot for anyone to take advantage of you Eris"I said Eris looked thoughtful for a moment before looking at me and then turned away "I suppose your right" I feel a Deadpan expression form onto my face as I state before I drop it "Well good it's a bad habit"

I decided to start walking into town as nothing much was going on that day "Can I accompany you on your walk" Eris Spoke from behind me as I turned and smiled "Sure just be sure to not act rash or get into arguments alright" She gave another Huff but never disagreed with it so I continued my walk but this time with Eris with me this time

The walk into the market was short but enjoyable the silence was nice and refreshing as Eris seemed to enjoy it the least as she was struggling to contain her energy I giggled a couple times when she got mad from embarrassment after she tripped on a stick that tripped her and fell onto the floor I extended a hand out which she grabbed and pulled herself up with haste "You better not tell anyone about what just happened or else" She gave a threat that rang on deaf ears As I didn't take it seriously keeping a stride into town

I slowly started humming to myself as we entered the market area as I started to look around for anything useful or just interesting in general and I saw a man holding a box which peaked my interest which the man who behind the counter noticed my interest "Oh got an eye out for an Aphrodisiac potion one drop from this and you won't be able to stop for an entire day" I felt my eyes widen in realization "Oh sorry not interested not like it would extend my stamina in any way " I said making the man gain a look of confusion just before I also gained the same look "U-Uh Gotta Go" I said before I quickly left the vendor feeling a red glow of embarrassment form on my face as Eris on my right giggled at my expression

"The look on your face was great but what was it that made you go so red" She said curious as to what caused him to make him so embarrassed as I couldn't bare the thought of telling Eris that an Aphrodisiac potion would do nothing as I could already do everything it gave out speaking of experience guarding Chulainns Home for a couple days straight "Uhm It's was nothing Eris Let's move on" I cooly spoke not stuttering a single time in that moment

As I walked a little bit farther from the potion vendor I spotted two children both boys one had golden hair and the other had jet black hair that almost looked purple from the sun shining on it as the two kids bickering back and fourth "Cmon Raime we have to get something to eat otherwise it'll be another night of starving" The golden haired child spoke to the raven haired child now named Raime "Sorry Vel but I don't want to steal its not right" the kids were thin not to the point of bones sticking out of the skin but thin nonetheless as I spotted a vendor

I approached them "Excuse me but do you sell food" the woman smiled "Sure do We sell fried potatoes and bread" I nod "I'll take 2 fried potatoes and 2 pieces of bread can you put salt and butter on them" The woman smiled "Sure can wait just a moment" the woman in quick succession made them which almost made him state in astonishment as I handed her a couple copper pieces "Why are you getting so much food for" Eris Spoke "I'm going to help a couple kids in need" I said as I walk over to the two kids as I kneel down to their level

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