Last Chapter : Monolog

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The nine teenagers, led by Mike, Leon, Daniel and the others, sat nervously in the Berlin courtroom. Mr. Solveg, the experienced judge, looked sternly over his glasses and opened the hearing. Mr. Möller, the youth's lawyer, stood up and passionately emphasized that their intention was to help the homeless.

Mr. Braun, the prosecution lawyer, argued vehemently against the illegal action and emphasized that good intentions should not break the law. Meanwhile, Mr. Richter, the defense attorney, tried to understand the teenagers' motivations and point out the social problems that drove them to their actions.

The testimonies of the shopkeepers and security guards painted a picture of theft, but the youths emphasized that they only wanted to do good. The atmosphere in the courtroom was tense as Mr Solveg considered the evidence.

After careful consideration, Mr. Solveg delivered his verdict. Surprisingly, he chose an alternative punishment: the teens would have to do community service to help the homeless and participate in a program that promoted social responsibility.

The young people were relieved and grateful for the second chance. Over the next few months they became involved in various projects to help those in need. The unusual outcome of the trial not only changed the lives of the young people, but also drew attention to social injustices.

The story ends with a strong sense of community and an awareness that sometimes a judge's heart can do far more than mere laws.

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