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TW: Mentions of needles & blood

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TW: Mentions of needles & blood


"Nezu-san do you plan on letting us know why the intruder is out of the room?" 

That statement came from Midnight I believe. I could vaguely imagine the clear image of vibrant violet hair, and quite possibly the addition of some sort of showy outfit to go alongside it. 

Standing in the middle of all this was very, unnerving to say the least. I was trying my best not to fidget or pace, or show any signs of anxiety in that case. Okay this is fine, you have rat god right here who seems to have a high approval rate for you. I tapped my feet together, looking around the bright white and brown room with a hint of reluctance. 

"Don't worry everyone, Ms. Smith here isn't much of a threat. And yes, we are going with the theory that was posed beforehand." The reply came from Nezu who had then tugged on Tsukauchi's coat, and whispered something in his ear after he bent down to his level. I couldn't hear what he was saying, however whatever he said caused the Detective to spring into action and disappear once again down a hallway. 

I can only hope there wasn't any threats of lives or property involved but you never know with him. I took a step back when I heard the sound of a chair creaking and one of the teachers getting out of their chair. 

Vlad King. 

All I could do was stay still as the man lumbered over and stopped right in front of me. He was close enough to the point I could definitely clarify it was the blood bank himself. This is fine, he shouldn't do anything with the principal around... right? Vlad took a few moments to what I assumed was inspecting me, which shouldn't take very long considering I am pretty bland in general. 

"Hm, that theory is quite out there sir, you don't think this is just some grimy little villain hoping for a shot at the big stuff?" Vlad had grumbled out scratching his chin with his left hand. Grimy- uh I beg your pardon sir... well actually I haven't had a shower since uh yesterday? If I can even consider yesterday yesterday? I watched as the rat as he gave another one of those award-winning grins and responded,

"I am positive. Isn't that right Smith?" 

Ah, direction of conversation to me. Not nice.

"Y-yeah totally! Well er- don't mean to self-degrade but I mean, have you looked at me? I'm not the most uh physical person out there considering everyone here." I sputtered before shrinking back towards a corner. I mean there is still the prospect of Quirks or something however I don't believe I even have one, but considering I'm here in the first place, who knows what else could potentially happen at the moment. Vlad sat back down with a huff, glaring back at Nezu who pulled his paws behind his back.

"I have reasons to believe that her appearance is nonetheless complicating, however I've come to a decision that one of you will watch over her for the time being." Nezu stated, bowing slightly to the small crowd. I wanted to interject, maybe give a piece of my opinion, however I felt that this situation at the moment wouldn't care about my feelings. I just hope that all this can be settled honestly. 

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