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"가장가까운카페테리아는6층에있습니다. [The nearest cafeteria is on the 6th floor]", these words escaped from Jiwoo. I don't think the boyband knew about that, since some of them frowned. Jiwoo had noticed this and said something about the fact that they frowned.

"직원전용카페테리아입니다. [It's an employee-only cafeteria].", she added. Because of that, the boys were about to make a sound, like a gasp or something but were quickly interrupted by a sound that didn't come from us. We heard a groan.

That groan came from the girl who used to be laying behind the sofa.

When she decided to open her eyes, her vision was sleep-blurred and untrustworthy.

All she could see were moving shapes of light and dark, of color and shadow—an indistinct, alien, jig-saw puzzle.

She tried to rub away the sleep fogging her vision with the fingers of her right hand. And while she did, one of the jig-saw shadows started speaking.

"그녀는깨어났습니다! [She woke up]", Taeyeon, who was sitting beside her, cheered.

At that moment, the whole vibe in the room had changed.

Chris immediately approached her, while everyone else also turned to get a glimpse of the girl. Witnessing the old lady's sudden burst of happiness caught me off guard. She became extremely happy.

"쯔위야, 할머니가오셨다니까겁내지마... [Tzuyu, grandma's here, don't be scared]", the old lady had said. She was going to say something, but Chan stopped her from doing so.

"쯔위야, 괜찮아? [Tzuyu, are you alright]", the two of them must have been close because he didn't use honorifics.

It was annoying me, why did he not use honorifics? It was very unexpected how much someone not using honorifics bothered me...

"방찬? [Bang Chan]", she let out tiredly. She was still waking up. When she said his name, he started nodding as hard as he could, as if his life depended on it. "네, 저는방찬입니다 [Yes, I am Bang Chan]", he said while a slow little smile appeared on his face.

I sighed at the view of this. If I was this girl named Tzuyu, would he have also been like that? Would he have nodded as if his life depended on it?

Who exactly was Tzuyu, why did the old lady mention the word 'grandma'? And why was Bang Chan so worried about her?! The room was filled with noise by now.

My mind was consumed with thoughts as I sought more answers. But, a voice abruptly interrupted my thoughts. It was Yeong-hwa's voice.

"무엇이당신을괴롭히나요? [What's bothering you]", he had asked me because I had been silent for the past 5 minutes. Since he seemed genuinely concerned, I asked him who this Tzuyu was.

"방찬이의어떤친구야, 그녀는두번의멤버야, 아까그가나에게그렇게말했어. [She's some friend of Bang Chan, she's a member of Twice, that's what he told me earlier.]", He admitted.

So that must be where I knew her from. I was probably just mindlessly scrolling on my phone and stumbled upon a video of her.

"영화, 고마워. [Thank you, Yeong-hwa]", after I had thanked him, it looked as if he was really happy to hear my voice.

I met him yesterday, but I already liked Yeong-hwa in a good way. No wonder, he and Bang Chan were already good friends.

If I'm being honest, I wish we never came across this Tzuyu. I didn't know why, but she just annoyed me...

"야, 어두워지기전에음식을가져와야해, 배가안기다려! [Hey, we still have to get food before it gets dark, our stomaches won't wait]", Changbin's voice was so loud that it almost reached the zombies' ears. Thank god he didn't yell or shout.

But he wasn't wrong though, we'll get all weak if we don't eat.

"사실쯔위얘기는나중에해도되는데지금은굶어죽지않는게제일우선입니다. [Indeed, we can talk about Tzuyu later, right now our first priority is not dying of starvation.]", I absolutely adored Taeyeon for this. 

People finally started waking up that if we didn't eat, we'd die. Like we appreciate your presence, Tzuyu, but let's not forget about our hunger.

So, we had a plan. We made a plan. By now, everyone knew who this Tzuyu was. She was the granddaughter of the old lady. We also knew that we were going to the employees-only cafeteria.

The only one that staff was allowed to enter. Which was on the 6th floor. 

Author's Note:

Yes, Tzuyu from TWICE (I added her to this story 'cause I keep asking myself if he also gets the feeeeelss) ᵕ̈

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