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There we were, waiting for one of our parents to appear. We were sitting next to each other. Chan was no longer crying but didn't feel like moving too much, since it'd hurt. It made me sad to see him in pain. I didn't want my best friend to be in pain.

"Are you alright?", I heard the little boy ask me. I told him that I was doing okay. I had then asked him if he was doing okay. Little Chan told me he was alright too.

His pain decreased since it was just an abrasion. I'm happy it was decreasing. What if the pain grew more? That would cause me to worry about him even more.

Together, we sat on the ground. Sitting side by side, two little children enjoying the cool summer breeze. Talking about various topics that came to our minds. Wondering when one of our parents would come back. Wondering when one of our parents would take care of his abrasion. Talking about our dreams. Talking about our favorite memories. We were sharing our thoughts when it was around 90 °F (ca. 32 °C).

"I don't know what I want to be when I'm older.", I said which made Chan a bit disappointed. I didn't know what I wanted to be when I was older. But Chan, knew what he wanted to do. He knew that whatever he wanted to do had to help other people. Other people physically, mentally or in any other way.

Chan was a smart kid, he was smarter than me. He always marked a 90 or higher on tests or exams. I envied him. I always aimed for an 80 or higher, and if I didn't perform my best, I would receive a 70, which would always anger my dad. Because of that my goal was to always achieve a mark of 80 or greater. I didn't like it when people yelled at me, or when people became angry at me. I wanted to avoid that at all costs. Loud noises and loud voices, I hated them.


I couldn't believe my eyes and neither could Chan. Our moms came home. They came home! My mom and his mom, finally! Without hesitation, I dashed towards them, wrapping my arms around my mom in a tight hug, and within an instant, I blurted out everything about Chan.

His mom helped him get inside my family's house while my mom and I were opening the door. I was so relieved. The weight on my shoulders had finally been lifted.

While his mom asked him about the abrasion, my mom was taking care of Chan, she was cleaning his wound. And then there was me sitting on the couch looking at the other people silently. I was so useless. I was just watching them. But it's not like I could help, I was a little girl anyway. 

I think that today, I learned that whatever happens, it'll always end up fine. Just think of little Chan falling off his bike and being okay afterward.

But there was also something else I had learned today. Today I had learned that I knew that I had to learn how to help people in situations like this.

Little me didn't want to be useless in a situation like this. And big me doesn't want to be useless in a situation like this too.

This was the day that made me want to become a doctor. No matter what gets in my way, I will always help I thought myself. This was the day that changed everything - the moment my best friend needed help, and I couldn't provide it. It made me want to become a doctor.

Author's Note:

Oh my goddddd this is giving me so much motivation... I hope it's also giving you guys plenty of more motivation! Next chapter's so much longer trust me :p. 

"I think that today, I learned that whatever happens, it'll always end up fine. Just think of little Chan falling off his bike and being okay afterward." <- y'all this a life lesson never forget this!! 

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