The Phoenix

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POV: Adam (Depictions of violence, some gore)

Lucifer insisted we wore disguises going into the club tonight. I walked past the training room to see Ace leaning against the mirror wall. I sighed and walked in, "What's eatin' at you?" He jumped a bit looking back at me from the mirror. I came closer and wrapped my arms around his waist gently. I buried my face in his shoulder, glancing over it. "I'm sorry I was all crazy and shit earlier...I had no idea it was all of...this" I waved my hands. He laid his head back, kissing my cheek, not saying a word. We stood like that for a bit until he gently pulled away. " careful" I cupped his face eyes lingering on his bruised jaw. He closed his eyes and nodded, again no words leaving his lips.

He grabbed his stuff and took off out the room, heading to the club. I looked at myself in the mirror wall and bit my lip. How pathetic I was..."Adam? Let's get a move on!" Lucifer called from the lobby of the mansion. I turned the lights off before going to meet him downstairs. We made our way to the club, Lucifer carrying me as he flew into Vox territory. Landing, we looked up that the luxurious club, big bouncer demons out front, and a side entrance leading to the underground. Of course it's name was 'Garden' fucking assholes...Lucifer grabbed my hand and lead me to the underground entrance, slipping in through the steel doors.

It was dark and clammy until we got to the underground arena. It was huge, bleachers and a huge ring in the middle with a spiked cage around it, the spikes pointing inward, waiting for some poor soul to be pierced on them. There was an announcer table up in a balcony. The crowd was building, sinners making bets and throwing money around frantically. I squeezed Lucifer's hand tightly, not wanting to get lost in the crowd. He pulled me to a hidden spot but one with a decent view of the ring. With in minutes, the seats were filled with sinners and the occasional overlord.

"We have a great show for you all tonight! Welcome to Garden's first fight! Now let's hear it for the man of the hour, Vox!" The sinner announced as Vox appeared in the middle of the ring with an old fashioned microphone.  "Hello Pentagram City!" He leaned into the mic, the crowd roaring to life. "We have a great match up for you tonight! Rules are the fight goes till one of the contenders dies, luckily as the sinners they are, they can always regenerate! Remember no enchanted weapons of ANY kind! Place your bets and let the fun begin! Starting off with the Garden's own hell champ- Ace!" He boasted and gestured to the walk way. There was Ace, in his usual gear but it was slightly more colorful, only thing off was the collar around his neck.

"Lucifer...what is that?" I leaned over and saw the pure rage in his eyes. "A fucking shock collar..." he growled out and I turned back eyes wide. Vox then announced his challenger, Angel walking around the ring with the sign of 'Round One' on it before whispering quick to Ace before shutting the door to the cage. The crowd roared again with life as Ace and the other sinner went at it. I watched in horror as they did, covering my mouth a little. Ace was a master at combat, that was obvious. He took the sinner in his hands like putty, a limp ripped off here and there. Whenever Ace would get knocked down, he was shocked by someone somewhere in the distance, forcing him to get back up and go back at it.

Punches and kicks flew with each move. Ace was unstoppable, a feral look in his eyes. Lucifer and I watched the blood bath, the sinner's body finally shoved on a spike of the cage, intestines and organs spilling out of the poor guy. the bell rings 3 times and the match is over. Ace stood there, panting, eyes wild covered in blood. His own golden blood mixing with the red. Was this Ace? Or what they wanted him to be...a monster in the making? Angel came back, reopening the cage and took Ace's wrist and rose it in the air signaling his win. Soul after poor soul was torn apart, Ace's face swollen, gold blood dripping from most parts of him. Shocks became more frequent, egging on Ace further and further.

Suddenly he was transforming here and there, parts of his beast form coming out in the ring. Lucifer muttered, "They are using him for fucking entertainment..." his jaw clenched. I watched on, unable to look away. Ace just barely missed being shoved onto a spike, the sinner tripping and took his place falling face first into the already bloodied spikes. With that the final contender was defeated. Angel looked conflicted and helped Ace up, the crowd absolutely going insane.

Angel and Ace made their way to the back, most likely one of the locker rooms. Lucifer snapped, making us appear next to them in the back, my head spinning from being teleported so fast. Angel looked up at us and sighed. "Get this fucking thing off his neck please..." he begged, holding Ace up, he was barely conscious. "I wouldn't ruin my product if I were you" Vox walked in and chuckled. "Well Well, Lucifer...and the former first man...ain't this a surprise" he opened his arms. "I assume you already know of his deal! Such a shame you had to find out this way huh? Well our STAR has proven to me how useful he is gonna be to my business. And Lucifer listen, I know you want to tear me to shreds but let's be civil huh?" He leaned in condescendingly. "Fuck off piss stain" I growled before Lucifer stepped in front of me.

"Hmm, well come talk with me Lucifer huh? Maybe we can negotiate some things. Oh, and there's a switch on the back of the collar" Vox snapped, the collar unlatching and dropped to the floor with a thud. Then he was gone, the crowd still cheering in the distance. I knelt down next to Angel, holding up Ace. "Lucifer...what are we gonna do?" I asked my voice shaking slightly. Lucifer looked down and sighed. "We need to bring him home...wash him off and treated..." he leaned down, lifting Ace up with ease. Angel looked at us and wiped his eyes. "Thank you Angel, seriously" Lucifer turned to nod and smiled at him. I patted Angel's shoulder before we both walked through the portal back home.

Lucifer gave me Ace gently. "I need to make sure we're all stocked up and I need to make sure Angel gets back to the hotel okay, take care of him for us right?" "R-Right..." I nodded before turning and walking to our room, using my foot to push open the bathroom door. I placed Ace on the floor of the shower, turning on the warm water. I wasn't concerned about getting wet, I started to strip Ace of his blood soaked gear, tossing it to the side. Cuts were all over his chest, bruises dark and ugly covering his body. I covered my mouth, the smell of flesh making me gag. I took a brave breath, and continued stripping Ace completely. I took a soft cloth and some antibiotic soap, I washed him gently, watching his face for any bad reaction. There was none, Ace's gaze complete transfixed on the tiles of the shower, completely not here at all.

My soul hurt, seeing him torn apart and mangled in front of me. I continued to work on Ace, watching the rest of the blood go down the drain. His wings needed to be preened and cleaned next. I worked hard to keep my touches light and gentle. After doing that I turned the water off, still sitting on the floor with Ace. The sob I was holding finally came out, it full of anguish. I leaned over taking Ace into my arms, my sobs echoing off the shower walls. I cried hard into his shoulder, soaked in my clothes, holding him to me...feeling as though if I let go he'd be gone again.

I felt his arms lightly wrapped around me and smiled sadly down at me. You motherfucker...why are you smiling at a time like've always been like this...even in took my punishments with a smile on your fucking pissed me off...but it showed me how strong you were...stronger than I ever will be...

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