My Own Worst Enemy

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POV: Adam

Lucifer and I spent weeks trying to work with Ace, and myself, on controlling our transformations. Mine was relatively easy, since mine wasn't a huge beast. Also, Ace still goes out on hits and errands for Lucifer and was now an overlord. We had the hotel residents help with training, knowing Alastor was the perfect antagonizer for Ace. That was really the only way his form came out, was with emotional distress or anger. I watched as Lucifer, in his full demonic form, was hovering over the spot we had for training. Alastor was doing combat with Ace, without his rifle, in the middle of the field.

"You're a waste of potential my dear!~" Alastor called out and deflected a fist from Ace. "What makes ya say that old man?" He barked back using his smoke to vanish into the ground popping up behind Alastor kicking him back. The radio demon growled in annoyance and disappeared as well. "For starters, you are a terrible angel! You couldn't even do your job right...and you are a pathetic demon hmm? Two for two?" He mocked Ace. The smoke grew and suddenly the beast stood tall over Alastor and I on the ground. Lucifer snapped, a huge leather collar appearing around its neck. Ace bellowed loud but didn't pursue the demon. "Very good Ace!" Lucifer called flying onto the top of the beast's head. The glowing eyes expressing excitement at the praise.

Alastor hummed and glanced at me. I narrowed my eyes, still not trusting of this asshole. More smoke came off of the beast until it dispersed leaving Ace, pumping his fists in the air. "Fuck yeah! So much better than last week!" He jumped up and down. I smiled over at him. "Great job babes!" I shouted as he ran up to me, tackling me with a hug as we fell to the ground laughing together. "We done here?~" "Yeah, you can leave" Lucifer's voice flat. Alastor then faded away into the shadows back to the hotel. Lucifer went back to his normal form and landed next to us. Ace got off of me and held out his hand helping me up. "You both have been doing great" Lucifer patted both Ace and I's shoulders.

We went back to the hotel, I still wanted to work on my combat so I snagged Vaggie away. "I'm surprised you keep wanting to train" she threw a spear at me, getting ready to spar. "Well I'm the weakest link right now, I needa at least prepare myself..." I muttered and lunged forward, our spears meeting. "Adam, you still think that low of yourself?" She asked and backflipped away from me. "Of course, I was lazy up in heaven, you know that" I placed a hand on my hip readjusting my grip on the spear.

"Yeah but you still kicked ass...sometimes" she shrugged and I dove towards her, slicing a small bit of her hair. "Jesus, you're getting better than I expected" she panted and held her spear out towards my chest. "Thanks Vaggisorus!" I smirked and she glared at me unamused. "Ace doin okay with his training?" She asked before we met spears once more. "He's doing well...I'm proud of him" I huffed, sweat dripping into one eye. Vaggie nodded and backed down. "You are as much prepared as one can be Adam, give yourself a break huh?" She dusted off herself before saluting making her way back into the hotel. I sighed, throwing the spear in the dirt.

"What's the real reason you train so much?" Lucifer voice came from above. I jumped a bit and looked up at him. "I need to be stronger..." I wiped the sweat off my forehead with the back of my hand. "But why?" He pushed and I felt my jaw clench. "So I can protect you guys!" I turned to him fast, my power slightly flaring. Lucifer put his hands up. "Whoa whoa relax love, I just was curious is all, no harm" he said. I shook my head and sighed, calming down. "Sorry..." "No it's okay, I get it...I do" he landed next to me and leaned on the spear that was stuck in the dirt.

We stood in silence for a minute. "I saw your eyes when Lilith was coming at look scared...may I ask why?" Lucifer asked softly. I kept my gaze to my sneakers and crossed my arms. "It's was a long time ago it doesn't matter now..." I murmured turning away. "It's not nothing Adam...what happened between you both? Was it Eden?" He pushed taking a step forward. I felt bile in the back of my throat, memories rushing into my head. I can't do this now...I fucking can't. Shaking my head I backed away. "Adam please..." he reached out and I screamed out a "NO!" And turned on my heel taking off from the hotel. "ADAM!" I heard Lucifer call out but didn't follow me.

I found myself in a shitty little garden a few miles from the hotel. I threw myself against the big tree that was in the middle of the garden. Holding my chest, trying not to hyperventilate or black out from lack of air to my lungs. I slid down the tree and pulled my knees up to my chest. Biting my lip, holding back tears I rocked myself back and forth. I felt ashamed of back then...when Ace or Lucifer weren't watching us...Lilith constantly started fights with me...well more of her being annoyed or upset by me she'd come after me, punching...kicking...once or twice tying me up for her own sick pleasure. I never told any one cause who'd even believe me...besides maybe Ace, but the elder angels already were not fond of him. Lucifer would think I was trying to kick Lilith out of Eden...when Lilith fell with Lucifer I was finally free...but I lost Ace along side it.

I heard a thud above me. "Hey you" Ace's voice said softly. "So you gonna spill or do we need a little family meeting when we get home?" He asked and sat on the branch above me. A rush of deja vú came of when Ace used to talk with him back in Eden. I shrugged, not fully answering him. Ace hopped down from the branch and sighed holding out his hand to me. I looked up at him and his out reached hand. Ace and Lucifer were so different alike in many ways. "Cmon butthead, Lucifer is worried sick" he tilted his head and smiled. I took his hand gently and he yanked me up in his arms as he took flight.

We got back to the hotel. Lucifer was hugging Charlie goodbye then turned to us as Ace landed. Lucifer's smile forced and strained. Into another portal we headed back home. We stood the awkwardly. "Alright to the Galaxy room..cmon mush mush!" Ace pushed Lucifer and I ahead. I rolled my eyes a bit but did as I was told. Better late than never...I guess...

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