Stepping Stones

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POV: Ace

After the much needed fuck session and the shower, all of us got ready in the large bathroom. I tugged on undies and a pair of shorts, my hair a shaggy mess and glanced over. Lucifer was fixing his hair, he was in a suit set Charlie got him a little bit ago. My eyes shifted to Adam who just had boxers and sweatpants on. His hair wild and wet, he was staring at the mirror a little too longingly. Lucifer smiled at us and told us he had an Overlord meeting, he actually started attending them again. He kissed us both goodbye and left.

"What's wrong Adam?" I asked leaning against the counter. He looked down and sighed slightly turning to look at the now healed scars on his back. I walked over and gently traced his wing scars and he involuntarily flinched but relaxed. "Sorry, just it fuckin sucks feeling like this...being useless" he muttered, expression dejected. "'re not useless" I wrapped my arms around his waist pulling him to me, my cheek resting on his shoulder. "Tch..." I sighed and pointed to the mirror. "Look, so what your wings are gone? That doesn't make you any less of the Adam who had wings right? What do you see? Cause I see a man...the first man...who wants to live his afterlife for him, for the people he loves, a man who wants to live truth and not lies, not be used for what he was, redemption will come for this man..." I said as he stared as us in the mirror, his expression changing to hopeful.

"You..see that?" He asked and I gave him a kiss on his shoulder, pulling away and nodded. "Yes, always had actually" I shrug and he blushes a bit. I chuckled and handed him the tshirt he had out to wear. Leaning down I picked up the one I chose to wear today and fixed my hair half up and glanced over as Adam brushed his normally out of control hair. "Let's visit Charlie" I said. "Huh? Why? Don't they all hate me over there?" "No, not after Luci pleaded your case to them, also I need to help them defend still..." He was silent and looked down. "Okay, I guess..." "Bring your guitar" I smiled as I went to grab my gear. He walked into the room and grabbed his guitar. We walked to the balcony and I held my arm out for him as I opened my wings. Adam took it and I lifted him to me as we took off toward the hotel.

As we landed, I noticed Vaggie outside patrolling the grounds. "Hey V" I waved and smiled. She jumped and held her spear up, Adam's eyes lighting up. "Vaggie?" "Adam? Holy shit Lucifer wasn't joking." She crossed her arms. "Let's put the angel weapon away, I came here to talk to Charlie about preparations for execution day..." I sighed and smiled at her. "Ah yeah okay, cmon in guys" she lead the way letting us in. "ACE!" Charlie came running up and hugged me tight. "Hey Char" I hugged her back and took a step back and nodded my head to Adam, who looked so out of place.

"Adam? Oh my what a are you?" She came over to him and held his hand in hers. "I-uh...uhm I'm okay.." he answered looking at his feet. Angel and Husk came down the stairs and greeted us. "Ooooh~ he's cute Ace" Angel came next to me and leaned over my shoulder. "Don't even think about it" I looked over to him and he chuckled. "I know I know" he held his arms up. I walked up to the bar and Adam followed like a puppy. Husk poured me my usual and turned to Adam asking him for a drink. "Uh..whiskey on the rocks?" Husk hummed. "One drink you can never go wrong with" he slid the drink to Adam. "Well, two fallen angels walk into a bar~" Alastor's voice came from next to Charlie. I looked over at him and glared a little. "I mean no harm darling! What a surprise indeed." He tilted his head.

"I need to talk to Charlie about the game plan for defending hell" I explained and finished my drink. "We can go to my office" Charlie nodded and headed upstairs with Vaggie. "Ace?" Adam asked. "Cmon' your knowledge will help us" I smiled and held out my hand. He took it and we followed them upstairs, Alastor close behind us. "Well we know that Adam's lieutenant is leading the charge now" "Lute, yeah" "Does she have any specific weaknesses?" Charlie asked and I leaned back on the wall and sighed. "It was Adam, but bitch is power hungry now" Adam sat on the couch next to me and held his head in his hand leaning on the arm of the couch. "Sera and Lute are definitely more connected than I thought" he hummed. "Well what about the spears left behind each execution, we can gather most of those for weapons...but most of those executioners are fast...tend to attack with the ideal they will never get hit..." I looked over to Vaggie. "True...I mean I was the best aside from Lute, and well they did lose a powerful asset of Adam" We sat in silence until Alastor spoke up. "There's a lot you don't realize, killing them is easy but with the numbers, there's someone that might be able to help" "Who? I mean...unless?" I looked at him and he nodded. "Rosie..?" "Bingo my dear!"

"Who is Rosie?" Charlie asked and I turned to her. "Cannibal Town's Overlord...I mean they can definitely be hard hitters" Vaggie and Adam looked at one another. "Well you guys can probably go and attempt to recruit them, as for learning to kill them...I can probably train everyone up on that..." I shrugged and Charlie nodded. "Works for me, what about my dad?" I bit my thumbnail. "Honestly I dunno, he has been avoiding the topic every chance I tried..." "Sounds like him honestly...he used to do that when I'd ask about mom" she sighed and hugged her shoulders. "Hey, we'll do this Char" I reassured her. "I want to help..." Adam spoke up and we turned to him. "" Vaggie asked. "I knew Lute, I know her fighting style, she was my underling for a long time...I can provide information on how shits run...if you give me the chance" he got up and walked up to Charlie. "I need to make it up to you guys somehow don't I?" Charlie's eyes got big and watery. Oh jeez here we go..."OH ADAM! You are amazing! Thank you thank you!" She embraced him suddenly. "Gaaah!-'re welcome"

"Well we all have our respected positions, let's get to it" I smiled and nodded. "Oh! Are you guys gonna stay and hang out?" Charlie asked. "Uh sure, if Adam feels comfortable doing so" I looked over at him and he smiled a little. "If I can jam out sure" he pulled out his guitar. Charlie gasped and pulled Adam by the arm downstairs to have him play for the others. "Ace..he can get hurt know that right?" Vaggie came up to me. "Yeah...I know...but I can't have what they did to him slide V..." I murmured. "I know...we'll be sure to help protect him...he'll be a primary target by Lute..." she placed a hand on my arm and left the room. "Sooo the tables are turning big time~" Alastor tapped his cane against my side. I glanced over at him and sighed. "You know I'm not taking your deal..." I clenched a my fists. "Even if it means to save the ones you love? Rather fall a second time and leave them with nothing but that helmet to remember you by?" He leaned closer. "Listen, just cause you have a leash on you doesn't mean I want one" I glared at him and he growled glaring back. "I'm not Husk, you have nothing over me, and if you DARE use Adam as a pawn, I'll be sure to carve your name in the next bullet." My powers flared up and smiled at him before walking out to join the others downstairs.

I smiled at the scene in front of me. Adam was on the floor next to the fireplace, playing for the others. Charlie big eyed was next to him, Vaggie lying across her lap. Angel and Husk were on the couch relaxing to the music. Nifty was running around stabbing bugs again. Sir Pentious rocking to the music with his egg boys in his lap. I felt Alastor behind me and I sighed, my smile fading hand gripping my rifle strap.

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