Why Does My Heart Cry?

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POV: Ace

I ripped Lucifer a new one and broke down at the estate when I told him about Adam. How he wasn't the same Adam. Just some douchebag with an ego the size of his ass. He set that meeting up, I fucking knew it when I walked Charlie back to the Hotel. I was back in Vox's Territory, there were a few targets roaming in the area. I felt something off as I scoped from the closest broadcast tower. Fucking Alastor cut off Vox's signal earlier so shit was starting to come back up. I jumped diving into the shadows and slithering about my tattered wings hiding my body.

There's my little birdy, right on the mark. It was another lowly shark demon from the greed ring. Lucifer's has had a ton of those on his lists. I felt a shiver down my spine and I looked up, a glimmering gold portal opened on the outskirts of the city. FUCK! Well better check that out before...I sighed and went to follow the opening of the portal. I perched up on a building, my scope honed in on the opening. The portal only looked big enough for one which was odd enough in itself. I dialed the scope more. I inhaled sharply, an angel floating out of it, I lined up a shot and luckily I checked twice. The angel was FUCKING Adam. Fucking dumbass...I watched him land on top of a building about 50 feet away. I aimed at the sign he was currently perched on. A shot rang out and went through the sign, this was a warning shot.

I saw him freak out then look frantically around. I slithered closer within the shadows and came around, catching him off guard, landing a kick to his back, him falling flat on his face. "AGH!- Fuck!" He yelped and growled getting up and turning, noticing its me he froze in his tracts. We stood in silence. "Why are you here Adam?" I sighed and leaned on the rifle and watched him carefully. I could tell under the mask, he was conflicted but spoke. "Answers..." "About what?" I pushed. "FUCKING YOU! What the FUCK happened?" he spat, anger at the forefront.

I leaned against a metal beam and watched him. "Adam..." "Don't 'Adam' Me!" Is voice cracked ever so slightly. "Why did you leave me!? Why did you go with HIM?" I sighed and slung my rifle over my shoulder. "To save you dummy...Once Lilith and Lucifer were cast down, they questioned the fuck out of me, said I was 'tainting' their work...that being you...I was held up for days...months...thrown into trials...Sera cut me a deal...If I act like I never truly existed and became a gun for them...they wouldn't punish you like they did with Lilith...with Eve...and with Luci..." I explained. He stood there taking everything in. "But...I wasn't expecting the Adam I see before me...honestly it fucking hurts..." I crossed my arms looking down. "What was I to do Ace?..." his voice more fragile than before. "I was ALONE...for millennia...Everything taken away from me!" He threw his hands up.

"They fed me all these lies and I don't know what to FUCKING believe anymore..." he held his head, his voice wavering more. I felt my heart ache and sighed. Walking over to him I reached for his helmet, he flinched away from me at first. I gently took it off, revealing the Adam I knew. His golden eyes filled with anguish. I took my helmet off as well, dropping next to his and I smiled cupping his face. "There you are..." I sighed and I saw his lip tremble a bit. "I had to know...I've been so...angry...so lonely..." his voice hitched, all walls coming down suddenly. I smiled sadly. "My sweet Addy...so much time to spend behind walls..." I whispered. I felt his hand cover mine on his cheek, closing his eyes as tears flowed.

"I have to do this Adam...You know I do...protecting hell and working with heaven in the shadows..." I stroked his cheek. "So you work for him..." he sighed. "Come with me...just for a little bit..." I asked him. He looked up at me unsure. "Where?" "Luci's place, you'll be safe there while we talk" I picked up our helmets, placing them both back on and took his wrist, diving off the building, flying through the city to get to the estate.

Adam kept quiet and let me lead him. We landed on the balcony and I jogged up to the doors knocking like usual. Lucifer came out and was about to ask why I was there and stopped in his tracks. "A..Adam?" He stuttered out and I ushered them both into Lucifer's workshop. I took off my helmet and ran a hand through my hair. "We need to talk...now" I crossed my arms. Lucifer looked concerned but just kept staring at Adam. Lucifer carefully walked up to the angel, reaching out and pulling off the helmet, eyes softening a bit at the golden ones in front of him. The suddenly slapped him as hard as Lucifer could without much strength. I blinked a bit and Adam cursed under his breath.

"Don't you DARE talk to my daughter like that AGAIN, we CLEAR?" He growled a bit. "I...we're clear..." he muttered wiping the smidge of gold inchor from his lip. Then Lucifer just pulls him into a tight embrace. "I've missed you..." he murmured. Adam didn't know what to do...he was overwhelmed. His head felt dizzy and suddenly fell forward into Luci's arms. "Shit...well let's lay him down here..." he scooped him up placing him on one of the couches in his room. Placing the helmet on the nightstand next to it.

"No one told him what actually fucking happened?" I leaned against the wall, arms across my chest. "No...they chalked it up to you falling with Lilith and I...which didn't happen...not completely" he took his hat off and ran a hand through his bright blonde locks. I glance at my feet. "He was alone...all that time...for what? Look what he turned into..." I muttered through grit teeth. "Ace...we couldn't do anything..." "I was fucking naive...I took that deal so fucking quick thinking I was saving him..." I felt tears well up. I felt Lucifer in front of me and lifted my face up with his finger and wiped my tears away. "Ace...it's not your fault..." I sighed and glanced over at Adam. "He's still so fragile...under all that bravado and ego..." I pinched the bridge of my nose.

Lucifer sighed and glanced between Adam and I. "With the extermination coming up...do you think we can change his mind?" "That's a joke right? You didn't see him in that meeting room...That other angel was unfamiliar to me..." I paced. "Lute...she's my lieutenant.." Adam's voice came from behind us. We turned to look at him. "I can't...it's too late for changes Ace..." he kept his head down. "Adam...-" "NO! I shouldn't even BE here! FUCK! I need my place up there!" His voice strained with desperation. I clenched my fists and my power flared a bit. "Ace...listen...this is gonna be difficult..." Lucifer held my hand and I relaxed. "You a couple or whatever now?..." Lucifer and I looked between each other. "Sorta...though...we were lacking something...like a piece of our original puzzle was missing...." Lucifer rambled on.

"You...Adam..." I walked up to him and buried a hand in that soft tasseled brown hair of his. I felt him inhale and get up suddenly. "No...not again" he muttered putting on his helmet again. Lucifer sighed and watched us. "FUCK Adam will you fucking LISTEN!" I barked at him. "No! You listen! I ain't no fag like you bitches!" With that he returned to the Adam that crushed everyone under his foot. "Crawl back into the piss hole you came from huh? You want a fucking enemy out of me? Is that what you fucking want?!" I screamed, my power flaring up again and I snatched my helmet, putting it on, the grin almost sickly with promise. I picked up my rifle and slung it around my shoulder heading for the door before shoving Adam. "Cause next time you crawl back here" my wings wiped out. "I. Won't. Miss." I growled before taking off.

POV: Lucifer

I watched Ace take off. I glanced at Adam and waved my hand. "Go...it's your funeral if you plan to come back..." I turned away, holding my shoulders and hunched over. I head the flap of wings ascend and the silence. I crouched down and started to cry. Why was this so hard...that wasn't my Adam...and it wasn't Ace's Adam...his phone chimed in his jacket pocket. He sniffled checking it.

I'm sorry Luci...I just thought....maybe...fuck
I'll finish my patrol and come back if you want me to...
Love you duck man..

I smiled a bit and replied back.

Only if want to, it's okay I understand. Maybe...with a little more pushing he'll crack eventually...his weakness is you...you know that. Remember your heaven list. Love you too

I got up dusting myself off and left my workshop to check in on my lovely daughter and her misfit crew.

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