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it's 2007 and satoru had found himself crying, begging for you not to leave. after the stunt suguru pulled, he couldn't lose you too. not you. never you.

“suguru is doing this alone satoru” he'd heard your meek voice say.
“what about me?” his own voice was shaking, choking on his tears. it was pathetic but he couldn't care less.

seeing your hesitation he begged more.
“y/n what about me?” he cried.

the way you looked at him, the way your body froze in place it was working. you wouldn't leave him, you'd stay. until you wouldn't.

“im sorry. i don't see the point in staying”
“don't go talking like him!” he screamed. he stood there crying, afraid to take another step in case that pushes you even further away.

“i’ve made my decision. nothing you say or do can change it.” you turn around and walked away.
satoru was speechless. his world paused as everything around him became blurry.

the only clear thing his six eyes allowed him to see was your figure disappearing into the crowd.

i love you i love you i love you

toads on the tip of his tongue. if he'd said that, would you have stayed? this question still haunted him ten years later.

satoru woke up to find the bandages wrapping his eyes dampening. he chuckled dryly as he stood up from his seat. he was at school apparently napping at an empty room.

he'd never slept while on the clock but lately, he found himself relaxing even at work knowing you were here, with him.

he made his way towards the infirmary to grab a new set of bandages to change his damp ones only to find you there.

his heart clenched at your voice. so soft so pretty.
“is shoko here?”
“uh… she just stepped out for a smoke” he could notice you glancing at his bandages warily.

“need anything?” you asked
“you wouldn't happen to know where she kept her bandages would you?”

“i do. come sit” you motioned to a chair and he took a seat as you pulled out new sets of bandage from a drawer.

slowly you made your way to him and he stared at you through the damp bandages, unmoving.
“...may i?”
to your surprise, he nodded.

you gently unwrap his bandages to reveal his glorious blue eyes you so adored. only this time, it was accompanied by some slight redness.

his eyes peered into your own as the world was drowned out by the beating of your own heart. the face staring at you was so so pretty you couldn't get enough.

your hands involuntarily dropped from his bandages to his cheeks softly caressing them as satoru melted into your touch. the sight was enough to physically hurt.

snapping out of the dreamy daze you pulled your hands away.
“h-here are your bandages.” you hand it to him and step away, putting some distance between the both of you.

he smiled and mumbled some word of thanks as he wrapped his eyes with the new set of bandages.

“doesn't it get troublesome? wrapping them?” you ask.
“hm not really. i just got used to them”
“you do change them frequently don't you? don't tell me you're disgusting too”

he chuckled “i do change them often ma'am”.
you smirk “good, kid”
“kid?” he laughed.
“overgrown kid” you corrected.

he stood up, towering over you, proving your point.
“we're the same age though?” he closes the distance between you both as he leaned in and tilted his head.
“tsk your mentality is of a 12 year old’s, that too, if we're being generous” you crossed your arms.

he chuckled lowly and that made your body feel things you'd rather not say.
“how about i show you just how mature i am?” he smirked as he leaned in even closer.

you pushed his face away with your index finger to his forehead. the bastard never turns on his infinity around you, not now, not then and that thought alone was making your heart race. for the umpteenth time.

“go devour more sweets kid. i have training with the students” you said as you walked out of the room praying he couldn't hear the loud thumping of your heart against your chest.

couple of days later, you followed satoru in another one of his missions. after he was done, the sun was just setting and a warmth feeling pooled your chest.

as you both made your way back to the school, you saw the market not so far away. it was busy and full of life, contrasting to the cold abandoned building you had just been in.

satoru could see your gaze linger on it and walked towards it without a word, you following behind.
“what are we doing?” you ask, glancing around.
“you tell me.”

you smile, he always could see right through you.
“im famished”
“go ahead. eat as much as you like. my treat”
your eyes beamed as you zoom around trying different street foods there, satoru never leaving your side.

next, you went to a clothing shop and tried on different hats and accessories. you played around as satoru admired you. it had been a while since he saw you this carefree and it warmed his heart.

on your way to the dressing room, your eyes fell to some pieces of fabric hanging in a corner. upon inquiring, you found out that they were blindfolds.

you weren't sure why that reminded you of satoru or why blindfolds were sold in a clothing shop but you decide to get one anyway.

you payed for it yourself and head out, finding satoru waiting just outside.
“get the hat it suits you”
“everything suits me so with that logic i’d have to get everything”

he chuckled
“no lies detected.”
“mhm don't want to ruin their business” you joked.

“oh right lets bring back the kids something. some snacks?”
satoru nods as you both brought a handful of different goodies to eat.
“you've gotten quite close to the students”
you can't help but smile a little at that.

after you guys reached the school, you found maki, toge and panda sitting on the rooftop, stargazing.

you hand them the snacks and they were delighted, it melted your heart. as much as you wanted to join them and stargaze, you were tired so you head back to the dorm.

satoru walked you back.  wishing you a goodnight, he was about to leave when you called him back.

“uh… i got this for you today” you hand him a small box which contained the blindfold.
“really? i didn't notice” he smiled “can i open it?” he asked at which you nod.

upon opening, he held it out and you were overcome with a sense of embarrassment for some reason.

“it's… it looks more convenient than bandages and… its washable…” you said awkwardly.
“you don't have to wear it if you're don't wan-”

“y/n.” he cut you off.
“you're so thoughtful. thankyou” he smiled and boy that smile could light up the whole world after dark.

“help me put it on?”
you nod as he bent down so that you could unwrap his bandages.

you did so and drowned into his ocean eyes. he has such beautiful eyes it's a crime he had to ever cover them. stumbling a bit at the sight, satoru held your waist, holding you steady.

with shaking hands you put on his blindfold, his smile never leaving his lips.
“you're right its way more comfortable”

you admired his new look
“i love it y/n” he whispered and only now, you realise how close you guys were.

“also.” he pressed on and pulled you even closer.
“you know when else people use blindfolds?” he smirked as your entire body heated up.

you pushed him away as he stumbled back, laughing.
“go to sleep you pervert!”

𓏲 ࣪₊♡𓂃

my favourite chapter so far hehe

the honoured and the fallen | gojo satoru x reader Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora