best friend

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after the incident with mimiko and nanako, you locked yourself up in your dorm which was right next to satoru's. the first day, he'd left you completely by your own company, knowing you needed some space.

the second day, he knocked on your door and called out to you asking if you were okay but you didn't reply. he'd left you something to eat by your door which remained untouched.

the third day, however, satoru knocked again, threatening to break down the door. like always, you ignored it, sinking deeper into your sheets.

his words were proven to be true when he broke your lock and barged in, calling out to you. you groan as you bury yourself under your sheets, not having the energy or the will to deal with anything else.

“look i know you want to be alone and wallow but the least you could do is eat. how the hell do you plan on living without eating?”

not a word came from you.
“y/n.” he said firmly. “eat.” he held out some bags packed with your favourite food back when you guys were in school. he only hoped you still liked them as much as you did.

still not a word and his patience was running out from how stubborn you were.
“y/n come on” you felt a weight next to you.

“leave me alone.”
satoru didn't know he was holding his breath until he let out a sigh of relief upon hearing your voice.
“come eat first”

“im not hungry”
“but you have to eat.”
“i said i don't want to-”
“then i won't leave until and unless you eat”

after debating for a while you slowly sat up, pulling the sheets away from your face.
“you look horrible” satoru chuckled and you had half a mind to suffocate him with your blankets right there and then.

seeing your scowl, his grin widened as he shoved the bags into your arms.
“make sure you finish those otherwise i’ll bother you like a blood hungry mosquito” he said, standing up and heading towards the door.

“im serious you better finish them, i’ll be coming back for the empty dishes and i will check your trash to make sure you don't throw it away… and i’ll fix your door asap!” he ran out earning a very angry scream of his name from you.

few hours later he did indeed come back and checked the empty dishes and the trash. he also brought along someone to fix your lock. at least now you know he's a man of his word.

“don't you feel a bit better after eating? drop the scowl you'll get wrinkles” he chuckled.
“and you'll be the cause of it”
“oh? what an honour. scowl more” he leaned in closer teasing you.

you back away and sat on your unmade bed.
his ears perk up “oh what was that? i couldn't hear you over your grumpiness”
“no no come on” he sat next to you “do it. thank me”

you let out a very shaky sigh trying to keep your anger at bay.
“hmm for what?” he grinned cheekily.
“you're making this very very hard” you grit your teeth.
“no darling come on you can do it”

and if your body froze a bit by the petname he called you, you force yourself to not think about it.
“thankyou. for sparing my life, for the food, for not giving up on me after everything i did and didn't do. for everything.”

his sheepish grin had molded into something else which he tried to hide by feigning indifference but you caught the soft smile his lips had for a millisecond before he turned away.

“that's right! be thankful i did… all that” he stood up and for the first time, you saw a crack in his otherwise stupidly goofy demeanor he always put up.

“check up on you later”
“you're not my dad”
“that's right im not”
“then why-”
“you're my best friend.” with that he walked out, the mechanic guy long gone.

he made sure your door was able to lock securely and then leaned on it, sighing.
“my best friend. my one and only.” his voice was low, barely audible even to himself.

little did he know you leaned against the other side of the door.
“best friend huh?” a genuine smile graces your lips and for the first time in a long time, you felt happy.

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