LXXXVI. Just Kiss Already

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"So, why are we hiding?" Sammy stood and walked into the open.

Yasmina and Eva shared a look, and said in sync, "You make a good point."

They stopped sneaking and stood up, walking towards Kash's old work desk.

Sammy picked up an earbud. "Kash's. Oh, this is definitely going in the fire."

Yaz snickered, pushing the earbud away from her. She opened a chest, revealing a three by eight block of dino chips. "This goes against everything Mae believes. Can't believe Kon made her work on these control chips." Yaz shot Eva a look when she mentioned Kon, but Eva was too busy looking around for more control chips.

Sammy pushed into Eva's side, fists curling at her sides. "He's... actually, I can't think of a word bad enough to describe him! I hope she's okay..."

"Ready to start a bonfire?" Eva asked, hoping to draw the attention away from her ex boyfriend.


"Hell yeah!"

Sammy tossed the earbud into the case before Yaz closed it. "Man, this was way easier than I thought. Plus side, we're gonna win by a mile. On the other hand, we're gonna have to wait forever for those marshmallows."

"Well, I can think of something to keep us busy while we wait."

Eva and Sammy turned to Yaz curiously. Yaz picked up a crowbar, and then looked between the two girls and the BRAD.

"Wait, we said they're not lethal," Sammy said.

"But they fix the ones that are."

"Hm... You make a good point."

"Oh, I am so ready for this!" Eva rubbed her hands together, following after the brunette.

Yasmina got four hits in before the BRAD fell over, collapsing like a tired puppy.

"I think we broke them."

Eva pouted, the hand that was holding the mallet swinging by her side. "Awe, I didn't even get to hit him!"


"Sometimes it's hard to believe how beautiful this forest really is," Yaz said, breaking the silence.

"I'm sorry, say what now?"

Yaz sheepishly rubbed her neck. "I just mean, this place would be kind of amazing if there weren't killer dinosaurs everywhere."

"Maybe someday we'll get to go to a real forest together."

Eva's heart swelled, excitedly watching her two best friends interact. Just when were they going to confess their feelings for each other?

"You'd really go camping with me?" Yaz asked, shocked. "After all this?"

Sammy giggled, nudging Yaz's shoulder with her own. "Just try and stop me!"


"I'm so happy we won!" Sammy smiled, picking up chips and tossing them into the fire. "Of course, I couldn't have done it without the best partner in the world. Oh! And Eva. Can't forget our favorite wild card!"

Eva snickered, leaning back against the log behind her, her feet absorbing the warmth from the fire in front of her.

"I think, maybe, it was just a super easy race," Yaz said, chuckling.

"Stop that!" Sammy grabbed on her best friend's arm, "You know you're always a winner."

Eva coughed into her elbow, and mumbled, "Just kiss already."

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