Chapter 8

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My two-day break is now over. Sometimes it sucks living like a common person, but most of the times I am happy living a simple life.
This is what I always wanted.

Throne has never attracted me and it will never be a part of my life. I love challenges but I know myself better than anyone.

The blood in me is that of a monarch who was really kind and generous at first but with power, he lost his soul somewhere in the deserts.
I am the son of the most cruel king in the history of kings in the Arab world "King Amir" He scares me just like he scared my mother and his family members.

There is so much of him in me that sometimes it scares the people around me. My mom although she never showed up, there were times she tried to hide that she was scared of how I killed a man just because he tried to harm my Asad. There was terror in her eyes.
Seeing her only ten-year-old son killed for the first time and that too for a pet, however, the mother side won in the end after two days of ignoring me.

I am a copy of that cruel king.
The king who was once the love of my mom.
The king who was a hero in her stories.
The king who was the most calm and caring man she had met when she was a teen.

My obsession with Ayat sometimes scares me to my core.
What if I end up being like my father?
What if I hurt her someday just because I can't control my anger?
Even the thought of seeing a single tear in her eyes scares the shit out of me, so if I'll be the reason for her being sad it will definitely be the reason for my death.

"What are you thinking?" Taha asks me, he is the only person whom I can fully trust. One can say that I have been brought up by him after the death of my mom. He is an Indian and I have to say that he is also my Hindi teacher. Being the only prince of the king I had to learn many languages but Hindi was not one of them. My father hated Hindi... Well, it might be because my mom used to fight with him in that language.

"Why do I feel that Omar is gaining power... More than he should have?" I do not like the way his powers are coming in my way of living like a normal man.

"That's why I suggested you to inherit the throne. I understand why you are so scared of it, but you and him are different." He replies.

He doesn't understand... No one understands. The reason why I am scared is because the throne is deadly. It is made up of sins. And I don't intend on being more sinful than I already am.

The Royal family is already messed up and I am messed up but now I am not alone.
I have a wife and I do not plan on messing around with her life.

"I don't need the throne, Taha, the throne needs me. I can and I will defeat him if he tries to harm my wife. No one touches her." I warn him. He should stop his trials to make me see the throne in a different way. I have never and I will never.

"Fine, whatever. By the way, are you never going to introduce me to your wife? I am kind of offended." He says in a dramatic way he is used to.
"Don't act Taha, she is not well these days... When she is fine I'll call you." I reply.

Although I don't want Ayat to meet anyone from the Royal Family I also know that it going to be difficult. Taha is the only one I'll allow her to meet... He is my only family left now.
A knock is what my ear hears when a man enters the room.

I know him.

"Hey, Prince Hassan of the great Arab Empire."
The man who just entered my office takes his beside Taha without my permission.

"It all makes so much sense now... You have your own office after joining this college for only three months. That's pretty cool I must say." The man says.

"Thanks, Mr. Khan, what is a person like you doing my office." This man is another mystery in the world of mysteries. The only thing I know about him is that he has connections with almost every mafia group in the world.
This man might not be more than White Snake but one can say he is no less dangerous than him.... Or her whatever.

"I am here for only one thing... And in place of that, I'll provide you with protection." He says.

"What a great businessman you are Mr. Zubair Ali Khan, but I don't need your mafia protection." No matter what I am in no mood to make him my enemy.

"I am not here to shit with you, Hassan. I need you to keep your mouth shut about that night. Otherwise, I don't think your royal money can save you from me." He warns, his eyes don't show anything neither does his body posture, but the way he is warning tells me that Kabeer is more important to him than I could have ever imagined.

"I have no interest in your kabeer and his life," I tell him casually but I don't know why I even care about lying to him.

"You know what I am talking about."
He frowns. I mean I might have asked about his so-called Kabeer...from White Snake but I wasn't really interested.

"You better not be interested in him. That's good for you in the long run. Trust me you wouldn't want me as your enemy." He threatens.

"I just wanted to be sure what if he hurts my wife? He didn't seem like he cared much about his wife being in that situation. If he doesn't care about his wife, why will he care about his friends-" He cuts me in between by tapping the table with his knuckles.

"You know nothing about him, so you have no right to judge him. Just know that he only hurts those who hurt him. So Ayat is very safe and he has always seen her as his sister." Raising from his seat he says taking a single glance at Taha while buttoning his blazer.

"Then it's fine, I was not planning to do it anyway. I have no interest in fighting with my wife for some outsider." I tell him.

"Then consider me your friend, I don't keep favours... Call me wherever you need me." Passing me a card he smiles warmly.
"Allah Hafiz." He waves and leaves the room.

"Wow, this young man is really charming," Taha comments as I keep the card in my drawer.

"And also a call for suicide." Whispering this I get up from my seat as it is now time for one of my classes.
I leave Taha in my office only, I still have many things to sort out.

While walking towards my class I see a boy who looks like a chapri– as Indians say– is standing... Actually kneeling on his one knee in front of my beautiful wife.

Why do I feel that I won't like whatever he is going to do?


Author Note~

Hello, schön Leute, I am sorry for updating so late... Currently, my board exams are going on so I am quite busy with all that. But don't worry I'll complete this in March only. Also Ramadan Mubarak to all the people who are celebrating🎉🎊 do keep me in your prayers.
I also wanted to talk about my published novel Whispers of Fate, I am planning to remove it from Wattpad, I am planning to launch it on Amazon soon but before that, I would love it if you guys could go and read its sample chapters just to support me 🥺
Thanks ❤

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